OK, so I have been working at Happy Landings for a month now. The people are either really sweet, really stupid or really arrogant depending on their faces. The job so far has been cleaning. Constant sweeping, mopping and newspapering. Cleaning takes so long because of the kennel set up. There are no drains and the kennels seem to be built in a rubbish, extended garage. The dogs are shoved into outside yards for the day, even when its pissing down and left there.
That’s all fine, it’s just a big shock for me coming from somewhere where the cleaning has to be done by 10am, all dogs have to be walked for half an hour each and then have field exercise/agility training/rehabilitation training for another half an hour. It used to be constant one to one work with the dogs, and now I am just cleaning.
Also, I get paid fuck all and work long hours. 8am-6pm 4 days a week, often longer as they are quite short staffed. I think its £5.60ph, or £179pw. Actually, only 4 days a week isn’t that bad I suppose.
The other thing I am mildly annoyed about is the fact that one of the managers, who also works in kennels with me has her own dog behaviour business. I thought GREAT at first, and then she told me she had only been working with dogs for 18 months. I think she used to work in property development. So she has less experience with dogs than I do, also taking into consideration she just cleans all day instead of dog work and she basically only reads Jan Fennell books (GRRRRRRRRRR), yet she thinks it suitable and acceptable to set up her own behaviour business? Jesus! If she places a single foot wrong she could easily be sued up to her eyeballs. I tested her on basic dog law the other day, she didn’t know a thing!
Anyhoo, my dilemma is getting a new job. Whitehouse kennels phoned me today asking if I was still looking for a job. I said yes. I have an interview tomorrow at 1. Also I have been staying in contact with Secret World Wildlife Rescue over the last couple months as they said a position was coming up, and now it is up and hopefully I’ll get an interview there too.
But is it a bit rude to start a job and then ask to leave a month later? (That’s if I get offered another job)
If I do get offered a job at Secret World, should I take it? I mean I love wildlife, and I was working towards birds of prey and conservation at college and just ended up with dogs because I managed to get a job at NAWT. Well, when I say ‘ended up with’, I have always been obsessed with dogs and worked in kennels before, it just wasn’t my initial plan to continue that way. But now I have worked my arse off to gain the knowledge I have, should I leave that behind and start off with wildlife conservation all over again?
Then again, kennel work doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, I got to head of section and now im right at the beginning again, trying to prove that I know when a dog is cold.
I want to become a dog behaviour woman or work with guide dogs in the far future… or do I want to work saving the environment? ARGH!
Bill Oddie or Victoria Stillwell (OK, not a good example of a dog person) I mean Gwen Bailey.
Which is the most worthy cause? Rehabilitating homeless dogs or rehabilitating swans caught on fish hooks?
Teaching dogs not to bite children or building otter/hedgehog bridges across motorways?
*le sigh*
Maybe it will all become clear in a dream.
http://www.animal-welfare.org.uk/ http://www.whitehouse-kennels.co.uk/ http://www.secretworld.org/ And Pantalaimon has come into season, despite the fact she is only supposed to be 4 months old. Dammit! She is going to the vet for a jill jab tomorrow, and then we shall arrange a good speying!