Mar 23, 2007 17:58
i have now an even bigger motivation to get to san diego!
before i really wanted to go.
then i kinda wanted to go.
then i didn't, cus i thought it was TOO far.
but i really want to go now!
i don't make sense.
ok, i'm really hungry and i don't want to wait til 7 to go to BJ`S.
ps. it's friday. i can't eat meat.
im thinking of getting pasta with shrimp.
and i don't want to drive there.
today i went to the sweet factory.
first time in how many years.
and spent 5 freaking dollars.
to me that's a lot.
because i don't have a job.
ok can't wait til spring break.
and irvine.
and maybe san diego.
and john legend.
and maybe long beach.
hfejwlafhejwlakfeaw. ok i`m done.
my boo is in san diego this weekend.
and when he's there he never calls me.
ohhhhhhh well.
NOW im done.
happy friday everybaaaaaaaahdeeee.