tehehe. my friend Kelly let me borrow her webcam today...so i've been taking pictures. i'm so excited!!
why in the hell am i so happy?!
tehehe. i'm sucha nerd.
Candi = the epitome of coolness. not.
kissies for yooou!
i like to put animals in my mouth
i shouldn't have said that. =X
mmmm...animal crackers...*drools*
why do i look so guilty in this picture?
is this a PG-13 picture?
bored much?
oh yeah, i'm just that pitiful
tehehe, i'm the goofiest stupid head in the world *giggles*
lookit me! i'm Sid Vicious!
fishy faaaaaaaaaaace!
why are you always so skeptical?
*gasp* don't say that!!!
heyyyy! lookit who decided to jump in front of the camera!
i had an itch.
if i were any cuter, i'd puke.
i'm on the phone with my Dustan
yaaaay! haha.
anyway, i went around like a homeless person trying to find money today. i went to SFS and they gave me a paper with all kinds of places to get a student loan from, so i came back here and filled out a bajillion forms and called a bajillion people. so now, i have to sit around and wait for someone to call/e-mail me and lemme know i was approved for a loan. all i need is $3000, so i'm hoping i'll get approved fairly well.
my roommate and i also helped our friend Kelly move. she was on the 2nd floor with us, but her and her roomie didn't exactly get along, so she was given permission to move to a room on the 3rd floor...so we helped her do that today. geeze, i didn't know one person could have so much crap. it's insane! it took us almost 2 hours to help her move all of her stuff. *sigh*
they're talking about moving Maria because she's not an RA anymore, and the RAs get first dibs on the larger/roomier rooms...so she may have to move out so that a new RA can move in. i will not stand for that! if she moves, so do i. she even said so. so, we might be moving sometime soon to a new room...more than likely a suite. no more 2 people in a room with a wicked-awesome bathroom (that has a seat in the shower). we're gonna be living with 2 other people, which is something we are definitely not use to. oh well, at least we'll still be together...hopefully.
we're leaving for home tomorrow morning around 8:30-9ish. i'm SO ready for thanksgiving. i love holidays you celebrate by eating! haha, yeah...i'm going to my granny's and i'm gonna pig out.
well, i guess that's about it. i hope you were at least a lil bit entertained by my pictures =)
oh and i totally stole this from Lidia. heh.
♥_taintedfantasy and ♥Thefamousmoe
- Plan to adopt no Elven kids.
- Crazy about being able to do just anything when the time is right.
- Are the perfect match.