Naturally I can't let if get to me, seeing as first, it is inappropriate, they don't know the truth, they'll probably murder me if they did and they'd definitely kill Akira-kun, if they knew.
But seriously, if I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to lose my temper and push someone down the stairs and then blame it on Akira. Haha, that was a joke. I'm going to hell.
I have to figure out a way to tell them off while a.) defending myself, b.) defending Akira, c.) not embarrassing him or myself and d.) hurting no one's feelings. I could tell Akira about it but he has such a short fuse that he'll probably run off and get himself into trouble. Besides, I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself.
It's not that I'm not capable of spite. It's just not my style.
I wish Onii-chan was around more. :(