Well as some of you know, and some of you may not...
... I sing, and have professionally since i was 6, pretty much up untill the last... wow, 4 years atleast.
Well, as of lately i have been offerd the chance to do so again by some really cool people.
one would be my friend Ron, whome i have known since i was 16... i knew he made music.. but, growing up it was always kinda hard for me to "show off" as my mom did it for me so much when i was so very young.. and really, i was very tired of it.
So... a mixure of adolesence, drugs, and new relationships, on top of being tired of my mom pushing me.... i stoped.
And.. well.. we were talking... and little did he know that i have sang opera/ "art pieces"/ arias
and.. well, He has been loking for operetic vocals for some time now...
So, tomorrow (errm i mean... today, now, i guess) i am going to his studio and doing some samples for his new CD he is producing.
Apparently, they are very psyclon nine/skinny puppyesque, so he told me...
This is him and a bad picture of me.
http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j317/Violenza_Domestica/NocNoc/428104e7.jpg On top of that, if he put its it out on a CD, Bryan (from VAC) is interested in hearing me, and has been waiting to hear if this actually was going to be happening... Well, now i can be sure of it. :-)
He thinks that if i really can sing, and with my looks, it would we an awesome team.
I just kinda felt like posting about it, i have been planning on doing this with him for the last month or two, but i really did not want to say anything untill i knew it waws happening for sure.