Very pissed off rant ahead

Nov 03, 2004 12:06

The only thing gives me comfort is all the people who voted for that chimp will soon feel the effects of yet another shitty presidency. I cant fucking believe that he won the popular vote after all the things that went down after four years, and people still voted for him, I mean, WHO DOES THAT???!!!! People like that are dangerous who get involved in voting but yet are ignorant to so many things (sadly, some by choice).I will now look forward to more of this bullshit war based on a damned lie and getting soldiers killed, and what's worse is that he probably won't even care about his approval rating this time around because he's not going to get another term. I keep thinking this election was most likely rigged in some kind of way because if he didn't win fair and square in 2000, it's possible he could do the same being that he had more power this time.

More of the empty promises, hypocrisy, and lack of common sense for four more years. I absolutely cannot fucking wait. /sarcasm

I really thought Kerry had this election in the bag after exposing so many things about the Bush administration. Yet, people still want someone who's dishonest and keeps his eye out only on the upper class. But whatever, I did my part and voted for whom I wanted and like i said earlier, this is a fucking mistake and a country going down in the ground and back in time will be the consequences.
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