we used to talk about the weatha, ok wth.

Sep 20, 2004 22:48

It's come to my attention that I think some people think that I'm not doing so well, like I'm on the virge of like dying or something. Im no ball of sunshine, really, but I dont think I'm really in a tough rut or anything. Yeah i have problems like everyone else, but I dunno...maybe I just give off vibes or something? I was reading this book that my old work gave me called Rhinoceros successs. It came to be really hard to read it with a straight face because they compare us people with that of a rhino and I dunno why rhinos are funny to me, they shouldnt be. I know I sure as hell wouldnt want to experience a rhino charging at me. Anyway, the point the book is making is for you to be a rhino : CHARGE at your goals with a tough skin and etc. I found one part to be extremely enlightening...

It said problems are a good sign that youre on the right track and that your wheels are turning. It's having NO problems when it should be an indication youre on a track to nowhere. It made me look at things in a different light and helped me not look at things so black and white (can be such a bitch, hah)

I applied at a Target store thats opening up soon. At this point I'm all desperate for a job. How NASTY! Im not touching my first couple of paychecks because theyre going straight to a car. Thats all i really think about lately, a car. <3 Im getting some help with it, so thats cool. I dont have any sort of financial obligations here at home, so thats cool too. In a little over a month, working full time, I should have enough saved and then I'm considering moving out somewhere. Maybe. Its just a thought, nothing serious. I'll have to look into the budget it would bring and see if I could do it. I know I probably could...

My mum called the Dixie CHicks the Dixie cups, by accident. Oh my :S
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