Jun 14, 2004 21:10
It has come to my attention that bell mobility are uber shiteating desperate bastards.
Nothing new there =]
Once upon a time I had a cellphone with a plan at Bell. Then got sick and tired of paying $25/month just to keep the damn number working... + the minutes i actually talked on top of that. So I haven't used to phone in about two months.
Today I got a letter. Apparently they -ehm- "noticed that you havent used your Bell Mobility Prepaid cellphone and that you have no funds left in your account"... "if you dont keep a positive balance, you will first have to add funds before you can use it".
Well no shit Sherlock.
"So, we thought we'd give you 10 minutes of free local airtime in order to keep your phone active".
How benevolent of them.
My dear lord I have made a horrible mistake by leaving the corporation. I forgot how much it loves me. Lord of lord have I missed the endless waiting in bell mobility stores to get customer support because their system is down yet again, the guy at the counter can't find his lucky pen and some 36 year old brat ripped 20 service tickets at the front and they call number 12 about six times although the only other person in the store is ME and I have number 22.
I love you too multi-million gentle and caring corporation!! TAKE ME BACK!
The end
//DAMN and I thought my moth... vacuum was a suckup.