Sep 28, 2003 16:22
so yea i was mowing the lawn so i could get $ for the show and i was thinking about how im gonna write about how i miss alison tonite at the peak of the party and blah im gonna be gloomy whatnot but heres what went down.
after dinner with my family we drove around looking for cars(even tho we were already in one had had no use for another) so thus i ended up showing to the new direction punk show fasionably late(thanks to renee shes great at taxing) the show was bunk alsmot everyone was poser (head banger kids and glowstick raver figure 8ers bla) and me and vince had some issues with the cat/robbs party thing because i needed to use his house as a cover cuz my parents. but anyway i was cracked out on painkillers and basically i sat outside in the ally smoked ciggerettes and drank cold water all night yea i offered some kids some pot i found and they answered back rather assholeish that it was really retarded and they didnt do it... STRAIGHT EDGERS ARE FUCKING LAME.
mowing the lawn was right i did miss alison in my dark ally with a cigg in my hand, i wanted to talk about how stupid everything was and how it sucks and id rather be holding hands or paulie shore or playing ddr with asains on speed.. so yea i did miss alison.. a lot. but afterwords i chewed some more pks and we went to vinces where the chicks soon left and we killed time with the moive insomnia. sneaking out of vinces was exciteing and robbs parto was fun also. i wanted to go out drinking with romey and justin but me and bincer had to be home in a while so no i didnt. he did some dulja and more and more and played super smash brothers and ate pizza and that was it and it was chill, on our way back home we were pulled over by a cop who wouldnt shut up about curfew and 300$ tickets. the whole time i knew that he was bullshitting trying to scare us kids bla bla fuckin pigs
than we got back to vinces ate talked and slept what a glorious night.
i only was down for a little while at the show but it was 5$ for like 2 fucking hours i didnt pay tho i think they were afraid of me.. the band was okay it just sounded like noise at the time and nothing at all special about them... also i really dont dig headbangers... i just dont. i really would like to hear from anyone how the fiori d italia show was cuz that sounded REALLY nice last its sunday and im on these new pills and it sucks :S