just review. hah

Jun 03, 2005 14:07

so the Pistons lost last night, yeah i didnt watch it, but its still important! hmm they better step it up. ne ways., ive realized that this class is my relaxing hour of the day. and with so much stress about finals-its a good thing to have.

* I have a review packet in Geometry that has to be done by, tuesday exam day.
* I have a review packet in E- Chem that has to be finished by, monday
* I have to study a ton in spanish, because i dont know much, but i did get a 44.5 out of 50 on the listening and reading, which i was really really happy about.
* I have to do a whole portfolio in LA and write comments on all of my stuff and do a metacognative write on all of that like 3 to 4 of something pages. who knows. its gunna be hard, unless i just take pieces from my mid-semester one! good idea. And not to mention the multiple choice AP COMP test-that no on even knows what its about.
* I have to finsh my history packet thats due on thursday, which is hard so i have to ask Richie this weekend to help me cause hes smart. lol and i hate history and need to study or ill fail.
* And i dont think i have anything in newspaper because i dont have any idea what we will be doing in here, because comos ahsnt told us yet! - but im not worrying about it.

~~ But anyways, im not gunna worry about it too much because we only have::::
1. Monday -review day
2. Tuesday 1&6 exams, and the rest are shortened
3. Wednesday 2&3 exams 1/2 DAY
4. Thursday 4&5 exams 1/2 DAY
     4-FOUR-CUATRO-4!!!!!! Days left!!! man o man thats so exciting!

anyways-bored. hmm
and i have to work sat. and sun. ugh.
===im out for now===
(((thanks gosh right)))


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