*Prepares Jerry Seinfeld voice* HELLLOOOOOOOOOO!...what is up all?!..and yes..i did just say "what is"...ACCEPT IT! la la..talking to Lorie and Eva right now...and i realized that i can't stop typing...VERBAL EJACULATION!!!!....but it doesn't feel as good la la...never..mind! ;)...well this little dude over here *points to self* has been working EVERYDAY for the past 3 weeks now..I KNOW!..CONSISTENT WORK! still working at the Air Canada Centre every now and then..whenever there are shifts..i have one coming up tomorrow..AND i have an interview on Friday at Town Shoes in Yorkdale...but i'm not going....i'd rather work that day and make money...i had a couple interviews before that....had one at Blue Notes in Eaton Centre....'twas ok..didn't get the job though..*and now i gotta pay full price for SOMEBODY'S gifts* i ask you to guess who that "somebody" is..hehehe....<3
LOL!..for some reason i just felt like still don't know where i'm going in life..aside from the LOVE part of my life...i'm pretty sure i know where that's going..i wonder how many people will actually respond to this since it's been my first one since....*thinks back* ..too long ago..
My love, Catia, is the most amazing and incredible thing that has ever happened to to ice cream...okies..i lie..she's the greatest and most amazing thing EVER!....EVEN next to ice cream...and she doesn't even have pralines..see how great she is?...i'm so in love and so NEVER falling out of love with her...she breaks up with me now...i shall become a slut...cause there's nobody else out there for me...but i know she won't do it....i think back and remember how friends and just people used to say .."oh you're gonna marry Ewelina"...and it's funny how IIIII never said that..*raises eyebrow*..but i say it now...i'm so gonna marry this girl..this is me..Marcin Stachurski..just turned 19 years old, telling the world that he's gonna marry a girl that he met on the internet. Once again..ACCEPT IT!...and if you don't believe's all'll be proven wrong at my wedding..sorry...OUR wedding..and i'm not even gonna answer to WHY i started writing this..cause if YOU WERE READING!'d know that i was EJACULATING straight from the heart..i love you the most incredible come on..i'm going to see Ron for!...YOU KNOW IT'S LOVE!..this ejaculation has kinda stopped...the flow kinda stopped when i went to pee..maybe it was verbal URINATION..and then it was ACTUAL urination..and just stopped everything..hmmm...quite the theory...quite *ponders*
Justin buddy..i hope you're feeling better dude..damn sleep disorders are horrible..all my wishes to you my friend....i know you'd still laugh at my "YOU!"..or.."WHAT DO YOU MEAN, WE?!" lines...but that still doesn't mean you're doing better..get better and SLEEP..and EAT!..and FART! we can sing together again...i wanna record an accoustic something of us singing..maybe i'll write a song..for someone..and you play..and i sing..and we make a new band..we'll call them.....ummm....Polish Cake..or something like that..*hug/<3)
Tomorrow i work the Raptor game right after i work my morning 10-3 at Oasis Cafe...and then off to the Air Canada Centre for 5:30 i believe..i'm not sure though..i'm guessing 5:30..hope i'm right *smiles* next cheque from my morning shift is gonna be...*calculates*...just about $800!!!..FUCK YEAH! just got moo-la from ACC...$250 for 5 shifts..not bad at all...taking into mind that shifts average out to be just about 4 hours each..i really do love that place..i can work there 12 hours straight if i had to...i'm so quick and so good with everything there...AND!...i get tips..sometimes...but mostly during hockey...FUCKIN NHL HAD TO GO ON STRIKE!...To the girls there i'm known as either the "tip slut"..or just plain "slut"....i've been many a times put into a stand with several good-looking people...some of them with boobs...and some of them just pretty boys...and i've still come out on TOP!...the last NHL game i worked i made over $30 in tips...when people make $5 they're happy at that place...but me....I THRIVE TO making tips that if i only did that in life..i hope i do end up somewhere in some sort of school..gotta stop saying it and fuckin DO IT!..pardon the language..i'm getting emotional *smile*...become SOMETHING...possibly considering a social worker program somewhere...and still even becoming a never know..i might be good at something like that..i'd wanna be a HORSE cop...i can play the part already...JUST LOOK AT THESE LEGS!...okies..i'm done for now..these next couple weeks/months i really gotta be there for my woman. You know why dear. Nobody else needs to though..i was so writing this just for you, which is weird cause it's a public entry and now people are gonna be like..."awww..i thought it was for me.."..sorry sucker! was for my Jellybean....i am out to make chicken wraps...YOU READ THAT RIGHT! somebody at work asked for Chicken Fingers..i asked them if they wanted the left or right foot fingers...and they laughed and spilled coffee all over my toast ..FUCKERS!...still..'twas funny
Love you all..some more than others..ONE more than anybody..SUCKERS!