One thing i definitely don't want to be is a researcher.
Just spent a full four hours at the library looking at everything from fascinating Political Unity and Ethnic diversity: A Case Study of Singapore, Busch (1972) to really interesting Re-engaging Chineseness: Political, Economic and Cultural Imperatives of Nation-building in Singapore, K B Tan (2000) for the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project (HSSRP) i've to do on racial identification and racial integration.
Sat with a really soft-spoken male librarian who laughed everytime we went through journal search engines and i said: 'Hm, i think i'll take that down.' You know, during my short time there, i've figured that, bitches aside, there are basically two types of librarians:
Female librarians are really energetic, boistorous, golden in that Queen Latifah way. They love to help lost souls, i.e. they treat you like a little kid and shove millions of statistic booklets at you, assuring you'll need them at some point.
Male Librarians, in contrast, are really quiet, mild-mannered and mildly amused at everything. They love to search, i.e they'll keep searching for one million not-really-related-to-your-topic articles while you assure yourself you might need them at some point.
And did i mention i didn't get anything to eat either? I mean, it's a library. Strangely, though, i got inspired to learn all sorts of random things like walking without making any sound and card tricks.