(no subject)

Apr 18, 2005 23:58

I've seen a lot of talent from the years after me, and I'm happy to say that I predict that Hogwarts Quidditch will continue to be a lot of fun to watch in the coming years. I know I'll have season passes next year, even on my apprentice's salary.

A representative from St. Mungo's came to Hogwarts to test my healing spells and general knowledge of the NEWTs I'm studying for, possibly others as well. I flubbed the splint slightly, but she was very kind - I think she knew it was a rudimentary mistake due to nervousness. She told me that it took experience as well as different sorts of pressure to become more even handed and confident. Dicussed ideology and ethics with me. Talked to me about Quidditch. (She was a Chaser for Hufflepuff when she was at Hogwarts, and glad to hear of how well they've done in the past few years.) Thanked me for my time. Told me I'd hear from them in a few weeks. I know that I still have a shot at regular admission even if they do turn me down now, but I don't know if I can wait that long.

I suppose if worst comes to worst, I can apply for the two year programme and work my way up.

Of course, even if I am admitted, it's all contingent on whether I obtain my required NEWTs.

I'll be in my usual spot, studying, should anyone need to find me.
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