Dec 07, 2006 21:09
I'm sorry I am posting so soon, but I am really hurting right now.
I wrote a post about a woman who wrote triggering entries. I told her that I took her off of my friends list because they were triggering feelings. I told her why. She said she didn't realize that I wasn't willing to share the burden with her and made a big deal out of making a post that said she didn't realize how annoying she was being. I can't believe it...outside of this community, I haven't told ANYBODY and that was the response I got. She didn't say anything about how hard it is, how maybe we could help each other (which was part of the reason I told her in the first place). She was just focused on how she felt, how hard it was FOR HER.
I just can't believe someone could be so self-centered and hurtful. I actually cried. Not one word, not one WORD about how hard it must have been for me to share that with her.
I'm crying so hard, and I know it doesn't matter. I didn't even know this person, but all I wanted was to help and guide her and maybe I could get the same from her. She never commented on my entries or made any indication that she knew anything at all about what was going on in my life, so I don't know why I care so much that she obviously didn't care.
Why does it hurt so much?
telling others,