i could really go for some pecan pie right now
i'm confused over everything all the time. it's my permanent state of mind hah
i enjoy horror movies
i also really like stoner comedies and dark, weird comedies
i don't like romantic comedies though. they're predictable and a lot of the shit people do in them would border on creepy in real life
i like some pretty violent music but then i like these cute sappy songs too.
i'm really really fickle. i can't make a decision to save my life bc i change my mind all the time.
i'm obsessed with serial killers and crime and shit like that
i'm usually pretty chill but then i have this temper that comes outta nowhere and surprises me
my mom's a crazy bitch but i love her anyway
i love observing people but i don't like talking to them too often. i either get nervous or find them annoying or both.
i've been diagnosed with over 3 psychiatric disorders, but i think the DSM is bullshit so idc
i think the world would be so much more interesting if everyone just acted naturally and said what they really thought and all.
i can be a huge bitch sometimes
honesty and loyalty are the top two qualities i look for in a person. sense of humor is a close third
i don't have a favorite food. i don't care what i eat anymore really, food is food
i'm poor. and i'm lazy so i do nothing to change that.
i looove cats. when people start to suck too much, at least there are cats
my nails are really long
i think most people are some type of crazy once you get to know them well enough
i complain a lot but i'm actually really appreciative of my life
i like gold better than silver
i don't feel like a person most of the time, but it's all good.
my thoughts race a lot. my head scares me sometimes, the places it goes.
my favorite season is fall. i also like spring. i hate summer and winter though.
i'm way too obsessed with death.
i still use a CD player.
01. Who was the last person who cried around you? Why did they start crying? Was it unexpected? diane cause she got fired. sure
02. Have you ever thrown up out a car window? If so, what was the reason you threw up? no
03. Have you ever slept on your hand when something was written on it and woken up with the writing on your face? no?
04. Has anyone ever told you that you and your significant other could be siblings? Have they ever assumed you were siblings? i've never had a boyfriend
05. Have you ever attempted origami? Are you good at it? Do you enjoy it? What's your favorite origami to make? yes and no
06. Are you more likely to like someone before you really know them, or do you feel you like them more after you know a lot about them? both
07. Do you buy people cards on special occasions, are do you prefer to make your own? buy them
08. Don't you hate when people say that you and them should get together, but they don't even make the effort to? uhh
09. When was the last time you were being hypocritical? *shrugs*
10. Where on your body was the last cramp you had? Why did you have this cramp? stomach or leg
11. What is the weirdest name you've ever heard? hm..
12. Do you ever get bloated from eating too much fruit? Does it get bloated from anything else? no? that time of the month haha
13. Do you get embarrassed when people hear you sing/compliment you on your singing ability? If so, why is that? sure
14. Do any of your family members seem to care more about materialistic items than the other members of your family? *shrugs*
15. Have you ever made a survey asking a specific question, in hopes that a certain survey taker would take it and answer that question so you wouldn't have to ask that person directly, but indirectly? lol sure
16. Are you good at comforting people when they're upset? maybe
17. Do you believe that with each and every day, you're getting better and better, physically, mentally, whatever? kinda
18. Have you ever done pull-ups on a diving board? i've tried to pull myself up on one at least..
19. Do you have any exercises you do everyday? no
20. Do you own one of those singing fish? Do you think they are silly or funny? no
21. Has anyone ever accused you of being bipolar or any other mental disorder? Do you really have any mental disorders? i have autism..mom's sometimes like "stop being autistic on me" haha
22. Did you buy the last thing you bought with your own money? If not, whose money did you buy it with? yeah
23. Are there headphones/earbuds plugged into your computer right now? no
24. Do you find it ridiculous and rude when people talk on their cell phones around other people? Do you do this? depends
25. Do you like to put your feet up on the dashboards of cars? Do you parents yell at you if you do that in cars? no
26. Do you ever customize your layout, or do you leave it the way it was to begin with? i have before
27. When you were younger, did you enjoy making collages out of cut up magazines? Do you still enjoy doing that? omg yes. *shrugs*
28. Which Beatle is your favorite, or do you love them all equally? john lennon
29. Do you enjoy classic rock? If so, who are some of your favorite classic rock artists? queen, the beatles..
30. When does your cell phone plan expire, if you have one? Do you know what phone you want next? uhh
Are you snacking on anything while you're doing this? yeah i'm eating popcorn
Isn't it dumb when surveys ask you what you're doing? lol sure
How comfortable are you talking about sex? *shrugs*
What are you school's colours? Do you like them? i'm not in school
When was the last time you had your pupils dilated at the eye doctor's? umm
Do you hate to disappoint people? sure
Are you wearing your favourite shirt right now? no
Found out any interesting news lately? yeah
What were the last lyrics you sung aloud? umm
Can you put up a good fight for what you believe in? sure?
Have you ever dated someone because you thought they could 'save' you from your problems? no
Describe a great day in the past month: going to gambardella's with pat and having yummy food
Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if people used more then ten-percent of their brains? *shrugs*
What colour is you bicycle? black
Do you know how to sew? on a machine maybe..i haven't in years though
Are you usually open towards people? If no, do you think taking these surveys contradicts that? sure
What was the last word you looked up in the dictionary? epoch. i had no idea it was pronounced "epic"
Do you know what time of the day you were born? 1:04 pm
Can you see a tree from where you're sitting? if the blinds weren't closed
6 Things You Hope To Do In The Next Year
- go to glacier bay
- go salmon fishing in valdez again
- visit more glaciers
- keep being happy
- watch wonders of the universe
- read more books
5 Songs You've Listened To Today
- none..well ones on commercials if those count
4 Things You Like About Being Your Gender
- hot men
- no men parts haha
- not having to shave my face
3 Books Everyone Should Read, In Your Opinion
- 1984?
2 Questions You'd Ask Your Favourite Musician
- hm..
1 Idiom You've Used Recently
- *shrugs*
I feel like I'm meant for something much more.
It's so annoying when the hiccups just won't go away!
I've hosted a party before.
I'm watching TV right now.
Yesterday was Tuesday.
I don't like it when people use the word 'douchebag' as an insult.
I agree with what Stephen King said about Stephenie Meyer.
I can get pretty jealous sometimes.
It'd be cool to interview celebrities for a living.
I don't have a mailbox in front of the house.
The worst kind of comedians are the ones that try too hard to be funny.
Even worse are comedians who constantly make the same jokes about the same celebrities.
If I ever was to try drugs, it would be out of curiosity, not because of peer pressure.
That song "I Love College" by Asher Roth annoys me.
You know what I like about rich kids? Nothing.
Romantic comedies are too predictable.
I have cut myself whilst shaving.
^And it hurts like a bitch when soap gets in it!
I've eaten potato chips today.
If I was a guy, I'd probably be a gay guy.
How could Batman really have enough time to put his whole suit on AND that black make-up around his eyes?
I get excited to watch my favourite TV show every week.
My dog is in the room with me.
I have...
[ ] Been to more than three funerals in my life.
[ ] Written a song for somebody.
[ ] Found nothing to watch on five hundred different TV channels.
[ ] Gotten in a fight with somebody on an online forum.
[ ] Cooked a very healthy dinner.
[ ] Collected pretty rocks that washed up on shore.
[ ] Fed the animals at the zoo, regardless of the warning signs.
[ ] Read an entire book in a day.
[ ] Criticized someone's performance.
[ ] Rode in the back of a pick-up truck.
[ ] Listened to a whole CD nonstop, without skipping any tracks.
[ ] Mixed up "your" and "you're". (when i was like 13)
[ ] Made smores over a fire.
[ ] Had a huge crush on a member of a rock band.
[ ] Gotten video game cheats from the internet.
[ ] Stood up for someone.
[ ] Done graffiti to get a message across.
[ ] Been made fun of for something stupid.
[ ] Watched more than seven movies in one day.
[ ] Lied so much that it ended in a lot of trouble.
1. Getting kissed under the mistletoe or in the snow? in the snow
2. Santa or Rudolph?: santa?
3. Stocking or presents?: both
4. Egg nog or hot cider?: hot cider
5. Angel or Star?: star?
6. Decorating the tree or putting lights on the outside?: both
7. Warm fires or sleigh rides?: warm fires
8. Expensive presents or presents that come from the heart?: from the heart
9. Snowball fight or snowman?: snowball fight
10. will you be getting coal or presents?: presents
11. Giving or Receiving presents?: both
12. Open presents quick or slow?: in between
13. Caroling or christmas stories? christmas stories
14. Snowy days or icy days?: snowy
15. Red or Green?: green
16. Nightmare before Christmas or The Santa Clause?: eh
17. Dasher or Dancer?: uh
18. Prancer or Vixen?:
19. Comet or Cupid?:
20. Donner or Blitzen?:
21. Fake tree or Real tree?: fake
22. Prime Rib or Ham?: prime rib
23. Red and White Candy Canes or Colorful Candy Canes?: red and white?
24. Get up early or sleep in late?: sleep in late
25. Old Christmas Movies or New ones?: new?
26. The Santa Clause 1 or The Santa Clause 2?: uh
27. The Grinch movie or Elf movie?: the grinch
28. Scrooge or Tiny Tim?: scrooge
29. Ornaments or a Wreath?: ornaments
30. Christmas Eve or Christmas day?: both
Before Christmas:
1. Does your family send out Christmas cards? to a few people
2. How soon do you start shopping?: *shrugs*
3. Who do you shop for?: family and friends
4. Do you put up a Christmas tree?: yeah
5. If so, is it fake or real?: fake
6. Do you like tinsel?: *shrugs*
7. Do you use home-made or store-bought ornaments?: both?
8. Do you put Christmas lights outside your house?: at mom's house
9. Do you put lights on the tree?: on mom's
10. How about popcorn and cranberries?: no
11. Is there a wreath hanging on your door?: no
Christmas Eve:
12. Do you celebrate it?: yeah
13. Do you hang up your stocking?: no
14. Does your family read "Twas the night before Christmas?": no
15. Christmas Movie?: *shrugs*
16. Character from any Christmas Movie: *shrugs*
17. Christmas Song: "wizards in winter," etc
18. Christmas Memory: hm..
This or That :
21. Red or Green?: green
22. Ham or Turkey?: turkey
24. White Lights or Colored Lights? colored
25. Blinking Lights or Still Lights: still
26. Were you Naughty or Nice this year?: nice
27. What do you want for Christmas this year?: a desk calendar, etc
28. When do you open your gifts?: christmas day..and one on christmas eve
29. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?: hm..
30. What's the worst gift you've ever gotten?: *shrugs*
31. Who gives you the most gifts?: mom
32. Have you ever had a secret Santa?: no
33. Do you like wrapping gifts?: i'm horrible at it
34. Do you put change in those red buckets?: no
35. Do you burn a yule log? no
36. Can you name all the reindeer?: hm..
37. Do you bake cookies?: no
38. Have you ever seen your mommy kissing Santa Clause?: lol no
39. Have you ever gotten a kiss under the mistletoe?: no?
40. Do you go caroling?: no
41. Do you drive around and look at the Christmas lights?: i have before
42. Have you ever left Santa cookies?: yeah
43. Have you ever sat on Santa's lap?: yeah
44. Who do you celebrate Christmas with?: family
45. Where do you celebrate Christmas?: mom's house
46. Have you ever had a white Christmas?: yeah
47. What part of Christmas do you look most forward to?: presents, etc
48. Have you ever had your picture taken with Santa?: yeah
49. Does your family always take pictures at Christmas? usually
50. Have you ever heard the song "Thank God For The Kids"?: no?
1. Taco Bell, Chipotle or Baja Fresh? i've only been to taco bell
2. Would you change your senior prom date if you had the chance? i didn't go
3. Skim or Whole Milk? skim?
4. Did you have chicken pox as a kid? no
5. Price of gas you last paid for? i don't drive
6. Wild night of clubbing or hot movie date in front of the fire? hot movie date
7. Ever signed onto Myspace and under New Cool People, seen someone you know? umm
8. Have you ever had a red headed slut? *shrugs*
9. Worst police-related experience? *shrugs*
10. Next concert and with whom? don't know
11. The movie you think everyone needs to see: lotr?
12. The reason you're at your computer right now? why not?
13. Would you track your kids with a microchip? no
14. Sentimental song: my heart will go on, etc
15. Favorite accent on someone of the opposite/same sex? hm..
16. Last time you used your car horn?
17. Scariest movies as a child? the sixth sense, etc
18. Do you do your own laundry? yeah
19. Favorite spot to be kissed? *shrugs*
20. Your favorite soft drink? none
21. Shrimp or Steak? steak
22. Cubed ice or crushed ice? cubed?
23. Favorite piece of clothing? shirts, etc
24. Favorite '80s band? queen
25. Do you own a planner? yeah? i don't use it though
26. Gym buff, or do you think working out is overrated? i'm not
27. Which do you notice first (girls) chest or arms (guys) chest or arms? chest?
28. Can you dance? eh
29. Favorite brand of beer? ew
30. Favorite McDonald's menu item? ew
31. Are there dirty dishes in the sink right now? yeah
32. Elephant or Donkey? donkey
33. What time is it? 8:45 pm
34. Elaborate why you have the song you do on your profile. i liked it
35. Favorite items of clothing on the opposite/same sex? just..ones that make them yummy? or something..
36. Describe the person you copied this from in 2 words: nice, sweet
37. Who do you feel sorry for? people with really bad luck
38. Do you like your job? yeah
39. Ever come close to dying? umm