Alright, so I'm gonna have some pictures, so there will be a I'll tell you about my hobbies that don't have to do with pics. I do those little friendship bracelets during classes to keep myself occupied.
I love DDR and have my own mat and everything...still only on light mode though. My favorite song is Dream a Dream by Captain Jack and I'm currently working on Radical Faith because it is a good mix of light and Standard.
I collage journals every-so-often. I have 3 finished, one about half done, and one in progress.
I write a lot, but not so much lately because of college :::shakes fist:::
I used to RP, that is until the chatrooms got lame and I ran out of people to RP with *tear*
I make up fantastic and bizarre stories with my friends about just about anything...the evilness of a teacher we both happen to think is awesome, the weather-control capabilities of a friend's basement, and comic book plots.
I love to act and sing. I'm very good with a .22 rifle and can shoot a bow accurately at 40 yards. And now for the pics
Okay, so since I've started going to college, I've taken up indoor plant care. I live in VT during college times...we have a time period where everything is *grey* and depressing (althought the snow is very pretty at times...but then it gets cold and it loses its magic quickly). So it's nice to see a bit of green.
I have my spider plant, and you can see the rose in the background...not flowering at the moment, but there's a lot of new growth coming in, so here's hoping!
There's my little cactus menagerie, which needs to be repotted because they've gotten big (actually, the spider plant needs to be too, now that I think about it)
Here's a spiderette that I'm going to grow into a new spider plant...see the little roots?
And here's my nice herb garden with Oregano, Purple Sage, Silver Thyme, and Rosemary. You might just be able to see the fact that my Oregano is flowering.
And now for the strange evil scientist messing with the laws of nature part. This will take some explanation...with pictures! Here is a normal Oregano plant
And here is a normal Silver Thyme...sorry for the blurryness
Now here is something strange. A little while ago, I noticed that some of my plants in my herbs had started to spread, I have some Purple Sage that made its way between the Oregano and Rosemary. So I'm looking for more in an attempt to tame my mini aromatic jungle, when I notice the hybrid. Seriously, it looks like it took the Silver Thyme and Oregano and fused them. All the leaves are the size of the thyme except for one (I've been watching them for weeks), but the color is that of the oregano, not the silver thyme. Not only that, but the stem is similar to the thyme, and the leaves and stem aren't fuzzy like Oregano. Yet it has that *one* oregano-like leaf and it is growing from the clump of Oregano.
See for yourself, my cute little crime against nature. Okay, maybe not that bad, though it *is* cute in a leafy sort of way.
Oh, and did I mention I cross stitch? (it's not done yet)