Dec 28, 2004 17:14
christmas is over and on to the new year!! wel christmas was alot of fun! i went to fredrickspurg with my family and all of my moms side of family! lol it was a lot of people! we went up there the day before christmas eve and just kinda hung out that day, i don't remember doing anything important! oh yeah lol it was cuz we didn't get up there til soo late so we just went straight to bed! hahaha! well then the next day was christmas eve and so we like hung out and played around all day and i played with my cousins lol they are all younger than me and there are two lil girls like 3 and 4 years so they always want me to play dolls or house with them lol! but anywayz so then that night we went to a christmas eve service up there at this church my aunt and uncle used to go to! and then we came home lol and we ate at my aunts house but this aunt isn't really related to me lol but we still call her my aunt, she is my real uncles brother's wife lol so it was her and his house lol but anywayz that was confusing enough! lol and my real aunt and uncle have a house in the country and so there is alot of land and so my fake aunt and uncle like built a house on their land! lol if that makes sense>? but we ate there and there were a bunch of peopel...hmmm okay it was my family of 7 and my moms sis's fam of 6 and my moms other sis's fam of 4 and my fake aunt and uncle and their kids came into town so that was 4 and then my other non related aunt and uncle and kids so there family is ummm 5 and then one of there daughters is married and has a kid so thats 2 more! hahaha so lets see here there were about 28 people there lol and they don't have too big of a house so it was kinda tight and lol i got to sit at the kids table! haha it was fun fun but they had some good food! but one of my non related cousins has her nose pierced lol and i have no comment abotu that...and my other non related cousin used to ride bulls! isn't that coool? that seems like it would be exciting but i would never doo it i am not brave enough for that, i am pretty brave but not that brave lol! and he is only like 23 or something not that old.. lol but anywayz then we left and it was like freezing that night and then we went to sleep eventually and like at my aunt and uncles house they have like a loft and so like all the kids always sleep up there and it was soo squished lol there were like 7 kids sleeping up there and so then we finally got to sleep when all of them stopped talking but then we all like woke up at like 5 and couldn't go back to sleep so finally we did but then we woke up again at like 8 and had to wait to go downstairs cuz all of the paretns always sleep in and then lol finally after hours. . .hehe maybe. . we went downstairs and opened "santa presents" lol and then we ate breakfast and opened stockings and then family presents lol it was quite fun fun! i got lots of cool stuff! and me and alyrose and my mom might get to go to new york with my aunt cuz she goes there all the time!s ehs so cool! lol and then we just kinda played around the rest of the day and rode the fourwheelers and gocarts and stuff and then i had to help cook food for like all these people that were coming over, ugh and then me and my dad and seth went hunting around hmmm prolly 4 or something and stayed til around 6 45 prolly when the sun went down, but we ddn't see much, only some does, but anywayz then we went back and went to sleep eventually again an i don't remember the rest of that day but then we woke up and rode the go carts and fourwheelers some more and i had soo much fun riding the gocarts! i got to drive them! it was awesome and i got to go way fast and there was lots of bumps and stuff so it was awesome! lol and the seats are hard they aren't padded or anything so like when you would go over bumps and stuff you bounce alot and so i have like bruises on my back form it! lol but it was awesome! and then we had to pack our car and then we went hunting and saw alot of axis and some whitetail but didnt' get to shoot them and also we went hunting that morning but also obviously didn't get anythign lol! so then we came home and that wawsmy weekend and christmas and stuff! lol this is gonna be so long! fun stuff! as you can prolly tell i'm real real bored! but hmm then i came home sunday lol and went to sleep and woke up and did some other things in between bu tthen went to cheerleading and tumlbling and stuff from 10-12 and then from 2-4 so yeah and it was awesome my tumbling was real good i was so excitedQ! lol but then when i came home i started feeling kinda sick and stuff so that was bad but then i went to dinner with my grandparetns and other nonrelated aunt and uncle and cousins and then went to their house so open presents from them and eat pie! lol i had lemon pie and it was good good, real good! but then my sis took me home early from their house cuz i was sick and so then i went home and talked on the phone and went to sleep then woke up again today for cheerleading but i was still sick lol and then i came home and went back again at 2 and then after that cheerleading practice i felt better, its amazing how cheerleading like makes me feel better lol idk why but it does! and we had lots of fun today i thought any way! so then i've just been hanging out after that and i'm feeling kinda better so thats always good! well hmm i think that ya'll should start commenting on my entries cuz i like comments lol! nobody ever does i guess i'm just not loved! well oh welel i'll just go cry my eyes out! thats the end okay. . ..