Oct 24, 2004 00:59
wooo..last nite was great...i recommend all you people to see "The Grudge" but only if you want a good scare.. that's a bad ass movie man. Me & Johnathon went to the rave (patton creek one) and it seated 370 people..that bitch was full. i'm glad we got there when we did. but yeah that's a bad ass movie .. i loved it even if it did scare me shitless & and Johnathon too mehe..that was funny.. but yeah i had alot of fun.
it's crazy that i miss him already... *Sigh* i wish we could spend alll the time together.. i get so envious of keith & christa.. cuz i mean even if keith does have to work he still manages to see her everyday and its so sad that i only see Johnathon 3 at the most times a week.. it sucks balls:( but i mean im thankful dont get me wrong but i wish we could see each other more often..
just thought i'd update you guys.. lots of love
toodles - sam