Jul 13, 2005 14:19
yeah yesterday was pretty fun.
me and anita went to the mall! haha thats a trip itself. but yeah i spent way to much money but i'm getting moeny tomorrow and friday. so its all good. i bought a navy blue hoodie from ae, socks form that gap (haha, 2 skirts and some shorts, ohhh yeah and some stuff for my bro. aren't i a nice sister. lol. yeah so we deff. went in like every store twice cos we had to wait for my mom to come. omggg she finally showed up at 7 after an hour and a half of waiting for her!!! Erghhh. lol. tattoo hatersssss. & 'its not gonna fit in my maouth but im gonna try'..... wow good times with that girl. we are THE RIOT. lol.
tomorrow i have to get up so early i dunno how im gonna survive. 6:30 just to go to prov. grrr IQ tests are dumb. lol. ohhh welllll. its worth i guess. cos i need vaca money like whoaaa. i mean two weeks thats like so much shopping haha.
tonight im almost positive im going to the movies. :o) i wicked wanna see war of the worlds!!!! but yeah i guess im just rambling now so im gonna stop lol.
oh yess and i leave in 3 days.
well i have to go get ready for work!
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