Jun 13, 2005 12:38
I already miss all my school friends. I was thinking "Ohh I so got to tell Nicole and Sandy that on monday... wait school's over." I'm too lazy to call though. Turning into a bigger geek. I have been replaying Final Fantasy 8 for the past 3 days now. Almost done with disc 2. I get all mad and am like "STUPID BUG! I'm Immune to posion, why am I poisened? " Everyone's just like "You are such a nerd." Psshhh.
I havn't been working on ANY cosplays. I am making a purses though. Really considering to make a bat purse like Manahime's, cause her purse rocked. It was so cute. n.n I really need to get some lace, since I'm making this one purse to match my ever so versitile EGL outfit. But that costs money, inwhich I don't have ;-;. My mother is going to end up giving me $20 on Saturday for the EGL tea party at the DIA. I will buy some film for my camera, and take tons of pictures <3.
I still want to have that bonfire, but it's too rainy, and I need to finish cleaning up my messy room. I got all the stuff from underneath my bed, and my table and just threw it all on my bed. Than I decided to Feng Shui my room up a bit by moving my ugly purple dresser into my closet so I can put my bookcase in my room. THer was so much crap behind there ;-; I have too much Manga to not have that book case. Yeah, I havn't slept in my room since Thursday. That's how messy it is. There is a pile of fabric/clothing/papers/stuff on my bed that is three feet deep. It's really gross. But my room is really hot (cause it's the only room that dosn't get air conditioning) and I can't work in it for more than 15 minutes with out getting exausted and sweaty. Ewweewss. My mom is yelling at me now to go clean it, so I will ;-;