Dec 27, 2006 11:55
was fuckin awsome. got good stuff.
B-randyn got me the new incubus album. and let me tell you......its a good one.
Brother got me Family Guy on DVD. love it.
Parents got me mostly electronic stuff this year. I received a digital camera. (fuckin sweet) and the coolest of all an iPod shuffle. I wasnt to sure about those when i first found out about them, I was just like "ahhh way lame, the other iPods are better" but ive been proven wrong. ITS FUCKIN SWEET. it holds 241 songs man. and they remasterd them. the old shuffles just played the songs in random order, but now it "shuffles" the songs AND you can pick what you want to hear. its a good time. i like it. and its cute cause its a little clip. yay. im excited about it.
they also got me this KICK ASS 4 disc Sublime set thinggy. 3 cds and 1 DVD of old performances and videos and such. your jelous. i know.
I got my mom this sweet book called Wicked, and its about the wicked witch of the west from Wizard of Ozz. It just got done showing on boradway and she tried to get tickets for it but they were sold out, so i got her the book. im awsome.
i got my dad this sweet shirt that says "Paper Football Champion". lol. its kind of an inside joke. He used to make those stupid fuckin paper footballs when he was in high school. and i hate them, so he decided he would make one, one day and MADE me play paper football with him. lol i was pissed. so i got him a shirt. hah
and i got the borther and Brandyn DVDS.
we had a kick ass dinner chirstmas night too. My uncle came over, and our friend Dave. we had a blast
good people, good food, and good drinks. Iam complete.