Title: Transitions
Fandom: My Chemical Romance
Word Count: 2,201
Category: Fluff
Summary: Transitions aren't easy. When Bob joins My Chemical Romance, there are a few things he needs to adjust to.
Dedicated to: my beloved
helena_lee, as a birthday gift, for being the most important person in my life, on and offline. And to
whisperingtome, for being the loveliest beta ever
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I'm not biased [though you are my baby and I do love you]. u.u I know how to separate things. I really REALLY loved this fic for so many reasons!
There's awesome fucking Bob, there's Frank/Gerard, there's Mikey [watching TV and sooo cute I wish I could adopt him! *_______* Tell me we can adopt him, dear ;______; Pleeeeeeease???], there's this whole amazing adaptation thing and dude, there's the way you write things.
Don't try to tell me this is not true. Edmund is here [coughcoughIwonderwherecoughcough] to prove it. Most of teh awesomeness of Juls/Ed, if not the whole of it, is because of your writing. I've told you that a thousand times and you still don't believe me, but the comments above and under mine are a proof of that too.
So, deal with it, honey. You write beautifully. ^__~
And we still have some unfinished posts, like... Juls/Ed/twins/Lorie xD Grab your sister, I'll grab mine, and we are going to write that post even if we die trying HAHAHAHAHA
And it is soooo amazing to read that you may write more Bob *___*
Well, though I've read some Bob/Frank, Bob/Ray, etc, I don't think it is thaaaat good... But that fic by Krit, 'Best Friend Means', is BEAUTIFUL and I fucking love it. Someday, you'll read it. Dude, you will.
Anyway, well, I suppose Bob is the least slashable one at the band xD I used to think the same about Ray, but somehow it just doesn't work anymore HAHAHAHA xDD
Love you, frau ^^ And again, thnak you for the amazing fic *__*
Kisses, Kirsche!
Thanks a lot for your cute and sweet comment. I won't try to tell you it's not true, though you have a great parcel of guilt on the awesomeness of Juls/Ed. I'd say 50%. It's RPG, goddammit! You jump, I jump. It's good because we both make it good, ok? =P
Awwww we can totally adopt watching-TV!Mikey. I'm all for it. Especially because he was still wearing glasses back then, so...so much cuter! *squeezes him*
Haha. Ok, we have lots of Juls/Ed/other people to finish, I'll try my best. Vacations are the greatest thing ever! *sigh* And I swear I try to write something else with Bob on it. It could be slash, it could not. Who knows? xD
Love you, darling. =*
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