
Sep 20, 2005 18:13

I went to my violin lesson today after school with my sister. I've been playing the violin since I was seven and I passed my Grade 5 exam last year two days after my birthday :o but to be able to do Grade 6 I have to do this theory test :/ I hate theory ( Read more... )

my 'interesting' life o.o

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_sugarless_shu_ September 21 2005, 18:44:30 UTC
You guessed right o.o The person who calls me Plutonium Girl and Frizzie Lizzie >:( I prefer Frizzie Lizzie... though Plutonium is COOL! XD

OMG! -sends mum on errand to find out more when she goes to glasgow with Saffron- Wow! I'm so rubbish at it ;( Does Saffron play any instrument? Remember when you played that mouth organ I have? I still can't o.o That was the day you dyed my hair pink... o.o o.o o.o

She's dead young! :o And I'm taller than her o.o But she's given me some great stuff to play :D Like les miserables!

We have to do cross country in Kay Park soon >:( Where she's able to see your every move... -sob-

Making up grammar?? ... O.o Heh heh that's quite cool actually :D

HA! Donald is MINE! All MINE! >:D Mwah ha ha...! You're going BACK to K-sama? You mean you LEFT him for a SHEEP?? :O how terribly sad ;( Poor K!

It's my birthday in 63 days (I think)! YAY! I'm so happy! And hopefully I'll have heaps too ;) The emotion!

Ok ok -rolls eyes- OMG i haven't rolled my eyes in AGES! XD -r.e.d r.e.d r.e.d- Squee! Anyway... -explodes self again- See? I even did it in slow motion! -proud-


punkheid September 21 2005, 18:52:39 UTC
xD Are you two on on separate computers?


_sugarless_shu_ September 21 2005, 18:56:15 UTC
yes XD But i'm going down in a min to watch tv... I just commented on your lj! :D


punkheid September 21 2005, 19:02:03 UTC
You loonaty sqeefs! :DD

Yays! And I'm nearly finished writing the comment to the above mega ton comment! ... Where's J gone? =/


SQEEF? OMG! Shrimpy the sqeef...! ♥ _sugarless_shu_ September 23 2005, 17:54:11 UTC
J hast disappeared! :O :O She's vanished from the face of our earth... hiding beyond the heavens... waiting like a solemn creature... about to... EXPLODE ZE ORANGES!!! XD Exploding oranges! Thou hast not heard of them? They is SOOO wonderful! They like pizza and shrimp XD And SHEEP... Yes, zey eat SHEEP on TOAST... -shiver- So horrifying. :o We musts stop them! Before it's too late! Before they catch J...! HOP ON THE FLYING CHICKENS! WE SHALT SAVE HER! GIDDY-UP, DAISY! We shalt fly these doomful creatures to the fruit bowl...


Re: SQEEF? OMG! Shrimpy the sqeef...! ♥ punkheid September 23 2005, 18:09:36 UTC
O.M.G The truth is out! Whatever shall we do?!?!?! Yes! A splendid plan! *grabs harness and leaps onto banana* Ze bananas shalt lead the way! They are our only real and loyal friends I tell you! OMG! We mustn't! Because if we do, they will corrupt all the other ickle fruitsies and then where shalt we be?! Doomed, that's where! (And stop your whining on MSN, you whiner >D) ... Daisy. o.O What an insult. Don't you realise that that's the Supreme Banana Of Life in disguise?! Huh, huh?!!! *kills with spork*


Re: SQEEF? OMG! Shrimpy the sqeef...! ♥ _sugarless_shu_ September 24 2005, 18:19:33 UTC
Whine? Did you say WHINE? I could whine all day! XD It's my hobby! You should take it up! It's so FUN XD SUPREME BANANA OF LIFE??! OMG! I never knew there was such a thing! :o WE SALUTE YOU! This is my second pair of tights today and already they're practically shredded to pieces o.o Tis a work of an orange, I tell you! Going around disguised as simple threads you just HAVE to pull away and discover a new gigantic hole in your tights >:( They must be stopped immediately! -waves lassoo- OMG you're right! We musts turn to PLAN B! Yes, ze fateful creatures! SAVE THEE, PEARS! -wail-

P.S is that how you spell 'lassoo'? o.o


Re: SQEEF? OMG! Shrimpy the sqeef...! ♥ punkheid October 7 2005, 16:57:14 UTC
Indeed I did!! Haha, you sound suspiciously like Emma who I sit next to in Modern Studies, who reckons she could become a professional whiner :o But er, I think I'll leave it to the two of you...

YES!! HAVE YOU NOT BEEN LISTENING, YOU WET NOODLE OF ORANGEINESS?!?! *sneezes* You see, there are Supreme Bananas of every kind! Watching over the universe and looking after us all. And they have title, according to their area of expertise. Hence, the Supreme Banana of Life! Whom we all solemnly hail *solemnly hails* And don't you dare make a dare about snow xD

:O How evil! Now tha really is sneaky. I mean, who would expect their tights to really be oranges?! I think you are right!! *stands up in saddle and flings mouldy monkey nuts at oranges* PEARS??! The pears are in league with the oranges!! Open fire! *pelts with nuts*

xD I have no idea, I'm afraid. :S It does look rather funny though...


Re: SQEEF? OMG! Shrimpy the sqeef...! *insert heart* _sugarless_shu_ October 7 2005, 18:05:51 UTC


Re: SQEEF? OMG! Shrimpy the sqeef...! *insert heart* punkheid October 7 2005, 18:11:49 UTC
Noooo it doesn't!! *hides from it* *makes large wooden badger xD* Howl icons! Mwah ha!

Yus! Sqeefs art so cute! They're little and fluffy and bouncy! Eee! Ooo, have you seen an imp? Where can I?! Oh the joyous abuse of exclaimation marks! ;D Isn't it fun? >K

I know! Let's make pear and banana smoothies! Did I ever tell you I do sign language on a Friday at lunch time? This time I told two first years about Arnold the banana, whom I found in my bag and who I went to the cinema to see Mulan with. Then I drank a banana smoothie and he was annoyed. So I ate him. Mwah ha. :D All in sign language o course, but I think they were still a little scared...


Re: SQEEF? OMG! Shrimpy the sqeef...! *insert heart* _sugarless_shu_ October 11 2005, 17:52:32 UTC
Yay! Large wooden badgers rule! XD

Awwww, so cute! *squeal!* I agree!!!! In the HP3 computer game :D They throw wizard crackers at you but I love them so! ... I take it you like the letter 'K' O.o

... o.o ... er ... um ... ah ...


Re: SQEEF? OMG! Shrimpy the sqeef...! *insert heart* punkheid October 11 2005, 19:37:04 UTC
xD Don't they just! Hey wait... where have you seen one?!?!

Haha! What exactly are wizard crackers? YES!!! I LOVE IT PASSIONATELY!!! ♥ But that was actually meant to be an evil face :o

Ho ho ho. *is Rage* >D I'll need to sign that to you next time I see you and J :D


Re: SQEEF? OMG! Shrimpy the sqeef...! *insert heart* _sugarless_shu_ October 20 2005, 08:48:42 UTC
Somewhere in the depths of my dark and mysterious mind...! *is dark and mysterious* I see... I see the light! :o Wait, it's just a torch :/ My mind-creatures must be scared of the dark :O

Twas? O noes! I've got you started on K-rambling *sob* I'll never hear the end of this!

They're like Christmas crackers which explode when they touch you or after a short period of time, but if they fall on the ground you can pick them up before they explode and throw them back at the imps as a way to get rid of them. :D I like explaining things muchly.

YOU'RE RAGE IN DISGUISE?! HEEELP MEEE! *runs* ... you did O.o And we got rather... scared O.o O.o


Re: SQEEF? OMG! Shrimpy the sqeef...! *insert heart* punkheid October 21 2005, 11:18:22 UTC
Oh my goodness! Your mind's like Eclipse :o How interesting!! *grabs your mind* Eclipsey darling! ... Ok, that's just scary. *gives you back your mind* Anyway, Eclipse/Raenef OTP! *heart* Awww poor wee mind creatures! *pokes candle in through your ear*

And he's got long silky hair that flies round him when he's saving the day and his tie which is just so smexy! And his cute braces and his little puzzled!face *squuuueeeeee* and his brave take-out of evil!Ark and oooo he's just WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooo I see! Is it hard to get them before they explode? Hehe, me too. There's just something fun about it. Especially if it's K's wonderfulness!! ♥

I AM!!!!!! Moo hahahah! >D >D But but but... Arnie's so cute! Well, was. *cough*


Re: SQEEF? OMG! Shrimpy the sqeef...! *insert heart* hee hee. _sugarless_shu_ October 27 2005, 15:48:24 UTC
GYAAAAAAA!!!!! I love it when they do that ;D Anyway! GYAAAAA!!!!! GIVE ME BACK MY ECLIPSEY MIND! *sob* *clutches mind* It's squidgy O.o *pokes in ear with candle* Oh hey now they've got two candles ;D Oh mind creatures! May you live in Eclipsey-light forever!

But Ark defeated him!! *sob* our darlin! I mean, ahem, YOUR lovely darling *cough*. ... *predictable sneeze*

Yep :O Especially later on in the game when they explode faster. But honestly! Harry is so athetic! He loses energy at every tiny thing! >:( Oooh yes! Anything else you'd like explained? XD

OMG!! Have seen Gravi yet??!! ... O.o I never knew Rage was related to a cow. Of course, I never knew Fiona was related to a sheep until I was told about Mrs Kulma...


This just keeps getting longer oO punkheid November 14 2005, 18:13:47 UTC
Oh me too me too! It's so cute!! ♥ Especilly when it's Hiiiiroooo *heartyheartheart* If only K would GYYYAAAA!! xD Noes! TIS MINE! *huggles it* Oh my sweet Eclipsey-poo! *melts with sappiness* Awww, isn't that sweet of you! *peers in* Oh wow, with all the space vacated by your brain they've set up house! Amazing! Kitchen units and everything! *to creatures* What a lovely home you've made for yourself. You must be proud :)

YES! MY darling. *suspicious stare* When was that?!! *refuses to believe*

xD He does? Haha. Well... elementary entities! Something which you only do in Higher Chemistry...

Unfortunately not *sob* The broadband modem STILL hasn't come. It's so frustrating >( Yes, it can be rather disturbing, finding out about people's pasts...


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