take art. it keeps you sane.

Sep 21, 2004 20:35

ok so lately i've been in like half way good and half way bad moods. im just nothing. so i was looking through some of siovhans old updates and i saw all of these lists that were, although pointless, fun to read nonetheless. so im going to make a list about all the things i love. like i love how today i said gracias in french and miss. fig-iririrido jaklonbas- whatever her name is looked like some one had just peed on one of her air fresheners. it was a kodak moment. oh! i have to tell you about my new voice teacher! he's queer! and he scares me. i first walked in and he gave me the wimpiest hand shake ever! it was like shaking a dead octopus. then he did this funny little jump thing and the secratary was like " aahah! good luck lauren." so we get in the yellow room which is so bright i haev to practucally squint and he had me sing to like test out my voice. so i hit this one not and i was really happy cuz it was like perfect pitch and so naturally i smiled a little. so after wards he was like ok good, good, but next time don't smile. if you ever have the need to smile... just think of dead kittens."... ok what are you supposed to say to that? "ok yea good idea! why didnt i think of that!?" so i just looked at him in horror picturing sad frozen dead cats like the ones taht lady had. and he was like " oh maybe thast a guy thing." no... thats just a you thing steve. then we did some warm ups and afterwards we did some warm ups. wehen we were doen with that he was like ok how did you feel abotu that? and i was like well i was sharpblah blah tryign to sound all profeesional and li ei actually care about this crap and he stood up and was like "no no no! what type of sensation did you get?" well up untill that point i wasnt getting any sensation, but now i was getting the sensation that the guy was legally insane. so he continues with: " was it happy? dark? hard like cheese? or like bubble gum delicious?" and then at that last good one, he lik estops and looks into random nothingness as though hes contemplating " bubble gum delicious" sound. so after every warm up, we preceded with him asking what i felt adn me making up some of the dumbest gayest adjectives that would send chills up even charles dickens spines. ok ill do my list later becuase i still have math homework and crap.

love lauren
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