(no subject)

Jun 21, 2006 13:42

Beware of reading this, if you don't like mush...

I was looking at a photo of Jeremy and I on my wall, instead of studying, and my mind turned once more to our impending nuptials (next weekend!!) - as it is wont to do, so close to the date! We both look so young in this photo (it was taken well over a year ago) - it started me thinking about all the people who have commented to me that "22 is young to be getting married", or similar.. I am (obviously) of the opinion that if you know it's right, then it's right. And I know this is right. Sure, we are young, and we have lots of growing to do - but it will be so exciting to do this growing together.

Think of all those years we have to share together! The fun times and the how-are-we-going-to-pay-the-mortgage-this-month times; all the years of crazy overseas experiences, eating strange food in exotic places, shivering through winters in the Midlands of England, trying to make ourselves understood in Morocco.. I am so excited to be sharing all of this with Jeremy. There are things I want to do in my life, and I know Jeremy has things he wants to achieve too, and that is what makes it all the more exciting - that we have common goals, but there is room for our individual dreams too (e.g. if I end up working at the Oxford Dictionary Centre, Jeremy said he will come with me, and be a geotechnical field technician in the UK, and a chorister in 15th century chapels...). It is so important and special to me that we both respect the ambitions of each other.

And somewhere in the very distant future: children. We have discussed it, and we are both looking forward to raising a family. Sorry to disappoint those of my friends who like babies, but this is definitely right off the cards for a good many years (well, that's the plan anyway!)

In between all of this? Well, there will be many different houses, in lots of different cities (I think I like moving - except the ferrying of boxes to and fro - my current bugbear, due to moving house this week), making lots of new friends, and visiting old friends, renovations, coffee, being gourmands, arguments over semantics, laughing, making up stupid dances... I'm realistic - I know that a marriage doesn't always run smooth. But I guess the whole point of this entry is to admit to myself that it is worth the effort. I have the amazing example of my parents' marriage to work towards, and I hope I can make my marriage as strong a foundation as theirs was: this is truly one of my goals in life.

And so, back to the studying, if I can find my notes among all the piles of reminders e.g. "confirm wedding car", "get parking pass for wednesday", "check that mum and mark still want to make a speech at the reception", "find socks", etc!!

Keep warm, everyone.
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