(no subject)

May 03, 2006 12:26

FACT: He is really cute

FACT: He sometimes wears cardigans

FACT: He likes getting dressed up (just like me) and is going to wear a pinstriped suit with two-toned shoes to our wedding

FACT: He listens to me when I am talking about nerdy English things
(anything on this site)

FACT: He is a primo cook
EVIDENCE: My expanding waistline!

We're having trouble deciding on a poem to be read at our wedding. Poetry is something that I'm meant to know lots of things about, so why is this so hard?! I think maybe because we only want one poem to be read aloud, so it has to be a good one. I have convinced Jeremy to have another poem printed on the Order of Services, so I only have to narrow my choices down to two... ! One of the poems that I was considering was read out at Mark and Sarah's wedding ("i carry your heart with me") but I don't want to be a copy-cat. I'm sure I can come up with some other ideas - after all, I have read so much poetry (for pleasure and for study) that there must be something appropriate. I just don't want A Wedding Poem; no Shakespearean sonnets at this wedding (Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments blah blah), nor Chapter 13 of Corinithians (Love is patient, love is blah)..
Research must be done (I can think of worse things to research!!)

Anyway. Off to class.
- Hannah

P.S. We are having this car (in the maroon colour as pictured below) for transport to the wedding:

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