5 Stitches Non The Richer

Mar 09, 2009 19:39

In the process of making a late lunch I was separating frozen hot dogs with a very sharp knife. I thought to myself "This is a bad idea" and then it was. It worked well, a little too well. Separated the hot dogs and then just kept going! It sliced my finger open pretty good. Middle finger (my most used finger!) on the left hand, about 1 inch long and 1 inch deep and looots of blood. Having no one to take me to the hospital I got myself a ride on the ambulance. The bleeding had pretty much stopped by the time we arrived at the hospital. I sat around for a few hours in the waiting room then got 5 stitches. They stay in for 7-10 days and then I'll have a wicked scar attached to a terribly pathetic story.

Conversation with mother:
me - I felt like a moron explaining what happened
mom - I've heard that separating frozen meats is the most common injury
me - I can't tell if you're making fun of me.
mom - no, it really is true
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