Heh. I always wanted to do something with this picture. I hope it suits the occasion. I love how Julian looks as if he wants the piece of action, too. Someone give him a hug and a kiss, and wish him a happy New Year, because he feels so down when he feels left out. :P
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And again a happy new year to you. In how many places did we do that already? ;) With all those wishes it only can be good!
Seriously, dude. I think I wished a happy new year to everyone at least 6 times. You post an entry and say 'happy new year', so they reply and say the same to you, then you reply and say it again to them. o_O Then THEY post an entry, and you again reply and say 'a happy new year' to them, and then they reply with wishes again, and again, and again... Waaah! Someone stop the cycle! *sobs*
*stops it right now*
*praises the Lord*
And now all this reminded me of Nick's quote in the last year's MOJO interview: "There's nothing we haven't seen, heard or been put through." It brings tears to my eyes. :'(
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