Jul 07, 2008 01:59
Still have soem answering to do...just wanting to post this befor falling asleep at my ~snooooore~ ~huh?~ ähmmn...falling saleep at my desk.
As I hoped they found a way around. Some may call it cop out. I don't I am not yet ready for a new Doctor! I don't want a new doctor! So bring on any cop out that you need. if it helps.
Ianto and Gwen are still fighting. And althou I am very happy that they are unhurt. And the shoutout to Tosh ~sigh~. It was very early on very clear that Torchwood would get a bit shorthanded in this episode.
Jack's expression ist just great and Rose finally gets a hug.
And Reason 5000+ to love Donna for saying what most of us are thinking. "You can hug me now. NO really you can hug me"
So Martha Lands in Germany....with German Darleks rotfl....
I would have prefered to have the other world Safe :( I like my AU Universe with Mickey and Jake as a happy couple emplyers of Torchwood. Jackie and Pete(their boss). And Rose who works for Torchwood as well. I mean it won't stop me from writting. But there so few stories written about them anyway :(
Donna is closed in the Tardis which will burn. The first time I was really worries about her. Unfortunatly more to come on that episode. And Rose cares and is worried about Donna. And before I forget it. Boy is that Hand ugly....O_o
Donna's reaction to a naked Ten. So wonderful!!!
Jack cheating the Daleks. Love the wink.
DoctorDonna and DonnaDoctor "OI you are killing me...NO way!"
"You are special" Belive him Donna. YOU are so special!
Martha and the German woman. That woman better not say any complain about accent. Many words were right but others....not so much.
Courtjester....you are the daleks Pet ~grins~
Mickey is definitly looking cool! And Jackie I really was worried for a moment! BUt saved in the Nick of time.
OOOOh Jack and Mickey hugging : ) Nice
Martha speaks for the Earth? How so? And nice plan Desctroy the earth before anything happens. And if it is only used when the people suffer. ~psst~ Martha they are currently not suffering.
And she is jealus again....O_o eyes rolling. I read a lot of people complaining about Rose being jealus of Martha last episode. But heck. Wasn#T the whole 3 rd not just Martha being jealus of Rose. And even now. So Martha is still waaay ahead of Rose.
So Rose doesn't know that Jack is now a bit diffrent with her help.
And not to forget Sarah Jane. Magnificent Sarah Jane. I still wish for more REAL audio books adventures with her Josh and he rest. JUST one. Just an ending. And I promise I will watch her with the kids. I just feel that a fanatastic female charackter like her would have been great placed in an adult show as well.
"You take ordinary people and make them into weapons" weelll not Jack! Definitly not Jack.
And a mention of Harriet. ~schnief~
Well the Mary S...I mean Jenny isn't dead (unfotunatly) and neither is River Song (Thankfully) And in case of Rive the doctor knows that. So huh?
Almost all main companions at one place. LOVE that scene.
"Brilliant" ohhh yes Jack we know ; )
DONNA!!! By then I had my hands in front of my face. But she is still ok...
She is more than ok.
Donna talking and working Tech....is Great, is fantatastic and AND SO DAMN HOT!
Just when I thought my love for Donna could not grow she found a way. As much as I love Rose. In that scene Donna is just burning the screen!
Sarah talking with Rose. ohh...
"So there are three doctors"
Jack: "I can't tell you what I am thinking right now" BEST LINE OF THE EPISODE! because we all know what Jack is thinking! And frankly I would like to see t ; )
All Companions around the Tardis. everybody getting a job. Just not poor Jackie. ; )
So gwen is related to Gweneth: ) Nice info. Even if it is about Gwen.
Donna getting/Taking a hug from Jack ~laughing so hard at that moment~
So at the end of the Episode:
Sarah Jane: Going back to her son. She is the one that got the best deal IMHO...
Rose: It is the Doctor. He is human but he is the Doctor.
Jake: Back to Torchwood. : )
Matha: Back to Torchwood :( Can't I just have Owen and Tosh back.
Mickey: So Mickey gping to be Torchwood too this Season. Okay him I like! He can stay. But what about Jake. :( I love me Mickey and Jake. Me Muse loves her Mickey and Jake in the alternate Universe. I wanna know what happens. Or at least I want Mickey to find his own Jake next Season on Torchwood. They one of my top favourite Doctor Who couple and the one that are almost magic to write about.
So next Season Torchwood is Jack Ianto Gwen Mickey : ) and Martha : ( Well I am curious.
Jackie: Still with Peter and happy.
Donna.....Donna Donna Donna. Sweet Donna. Great Donna fantastic Donna. You didn't deserve this. You did NOT deserve and Ending like this. Abandond to lead a normal life or die.
I am really really pisssed at that ending. ~crys~ So much like the end of nine. Even down to dialogs : (
Ohh Donna you were so fantastic. We only had you for a single Season but you were fantastic!!! I will so very much miss you!
Why a new companion where there allready is a great one!!!
You think it is too early to write letters of begging to Stephen Moffat to bring her back?
doctor who,