Aug 30, 2007 01:24
Yes I am going through old pairings. How did you guess?;)
Got Taste for a few of Walkswithwind's Storys and realised that she finally had written another chapter in "Sands of Time" Series. A story in which Giles adopts Xander and he grows up with him and Spike as the hidden Boyfriend. SInce I wasn't really that fond of Xanders role as the show got later I liked his growing up there a lot more than on the actual show. Liked the idea for the ending but I really wanted to see that Giles Xander discussion about "Bork".
Second story same Author the one I am reading now "Small fries" First Part Xander Spike Buffy and Giles get turned into 4 year old with the brain of their grown up Version. The story itself is just perfect! And one of my alltime favourites. One that just makes you giggle and aaawwww.