
May 23, 2004 18:30


it was such an amazing time! minus the hives but ill talk about those later...

so i woke up around 7...dont ask why. i have NO clue why i woke up so body just decided to wake up. so i take a shower and then i sit around and watch tv and just relax until my hair appointment at 1.45. and i saw joey there! my hair was up and lots of curls. me gusta :) then i rushed back home, put on my dress, fixed everything up and then mitchell picked me up.

then the alameddine house...omg such a pretty house! took pics...we were running so late! haha we were still at their house at 5 and the limo was suppose to pick us up at school at 5 but we still had to take couple pics! so off to school and took couple pics...hope they turned out good! then off to dinner at the regatta grill in our oh so cool excursion limo!

the regatta grill is such a nice place! too bad i hate it now though...haha. cuz halfway through the dance i started getting hives all over my face...and it was horrible. i wanted to cry. but thanks mitchell and anu for staying with me and making me feel better :) you guys are awesome. and i think i was allergic to something in the sauce of my shrimp pasta. cuz thats the only thing i can think of.

but anways...yeah...ocean institute! i hope everyone liked it. it was REALLY pretty! yay! on the limo ride back everyone was all knocked out...if i really wanted to i probably could have fallen asleep. we had our limo till 1 but we got back to the hills at 12.15 so we ended up going to the park and just hanging out. then afterwards some of us went to abes and then i went home and fell asleep in my comfy bed! :)

thanks to everyone in the group for such an amazing time! all the girls look so beautiful and all the guys looked hott in their tuxes! thanks mitchell for being such a great date! i had so much fun! 05 was fun planning it and now we dont have to worry about anything anymore!

i wanna steal some pics...but i dunno if anyone has any pics up...hmmm....k bye!
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