Jun 15, 2006 19:18
The other day, Meryl and I are walking down Belmont and she proceeds to slap me on the ass. After doing so she turns her head and yells, "ow!" right is some guy's face who is walking past us (she didn't know he was there cause he came from behind). He looks back and her and then at me and says, "Hey dude can I use your cell phone?" He looked kinda sketchy so I told him that it was out of batteries. The he points to my lip and says, "Did that hurt?" I say "no" and he walks on ahead. This all happened really fast, so it was stranger that it sounds. A few moments later, the man picks a flower and turns around to us. He starts walking backwards as he puts the flower in his mouth and eats it, watching for our reaction.
It was weird.