Apr 01, 2006 02:52
i love taking long walks.
and not overthinking.
the book that i'm reading right now is absolutely amazing.
it's kinda written in the format that i write my entries in.
i guess that is why i enjoy it so much though.
wearing 2 layers as opposed to 5+ is beyond awesome.
this weather is upping my happiness times 8million.
i'm in a wonderful mood, my only issue at the moment is that my top left wisdom tooth is growing and eating my soul.
and i cut myself with an xacto knife earlier. it was painful and deep but my portfolio is benefiting from it 100%. somehow.
but i bought all of this awesome paper. and i can't wait to put this crap together already.
book binding party every day. my house. don't be there. i'll cut you too!
my parents are leaving soon. i'm so jealous.
but i am going to italy and my mom hasn't been there so the jealousy ultimately evens out.
i'm so determined to rid myself of colds that i managed to kill off any and every germ lurking around my body in less than 48 hours. me+flonase+kleenex+echinachea+tea+hot ass coffee+too much water+lots of juice+ricolllllaaaa+layering before bed=disease free.
but i still have random allergies to look forward to. i wonder what i'm allergic to this year.
my little room looks like someone puked out art.
or whatever the fuck you want to call it.
there are drawings EVERYWHERE.
theres shit taped up to the walls.
both of my computers are flooded with crap and have 3 applications opened.
my printer is whizzing away.
theres packages of paper everywhere.
and print outs of everything i've done this year.
and rolled up assignments and other crap.
lots of paint and lots of ink.
and packaging galore.
a few of my paintings.
and a nate milton original hanging near by.
and a squid sticker.
and a julia.
full house!
i should be asleep right now.
but i'm all smiles.
every day is too hectic to write about.
i feel like i won't remember any of this amazing stuff a year from now.
i guess my to-do lists will serve as memories.
all i know is that once i finish my portfolio the last two weeks of school are going to seem ridiculously easy to me. and that alllll i have to do is show up to class.
i still have to shoot photos for some of my ads. fuck.
but regardless, i'm going to finally finish that mosaic for my momma so that she has a surprise waiting for her when she gets back.
anddddd i'm gonna paint a bunch.
i need to meet jay-z before i die.
the end.