I stole this from
rosefaerie months back, and now that us fellow Year 12's that are on my list are almost finished school... I think we should start filling it in...
1. What are you best memories from school?
2. Worst?
3. Teacher that affected you most in the kind of way that happens in the movies?
4. Teacher that needs to be burnt most?
5. What were the defining moments of year 7?
6. Year 8?
7. What will you miss most?
8. Who do you wish you had gotten to know better?
9. Who did you know when you first came to school?
10. Who will you definatly not be staying in touch with and you are rather glad you never have to see them again?
11.Which lesson was the most pointless?
12. Sayings and phrases that you will always remember from school?
13. Worst day of school ever?
14. Will you cry on the last day/prom?
15. How do you think you will be remembered by other people in our year (the nerd, the one who was weird, etc)?
16. What do you think you will be like at the reunion in say 15 years time?
17. We're these the best days of our lives?