i’m not overly protective of star wars but when people say to watch the prequels first for story purposes I cringe because no no no you gotta watch it 4 5 6 1 2 3 okay
and I recognise this may be controversial
you gotta watch it 4 5 1 2 3 6
yeah read that again
I am saying you gotta watch the prequels after Empire
here’s why:
you get the backstory on Vader immediately after the ‘I am your father’ reveal
you get to drag out the suspense of Han being frozen in carbonite
you don’t immediately ruin the impact of Vader as a villain by starting out with what an awful whiner Anakin was
you also don’t leave Return on the Jedi on a confusing note of ‘wait who the hell is that other ghost’ if you watch the original trilogy in its entirety before hitting the prequels
you aren’t left feeling shitty by ending your marathon on Revenge of the Sith and instead get to close out with the potentially insipid but undoubtedly joyous celebration at the end of the Battle of Endor
basically if you’re going to include the prequels at all you need to incorporate them as a mid-story flashback
okay that’s all
i watched star wars for the first time in the 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6 order and let me tell you, imho, that is the absolute best way to get the story out of th emovies.
it makes return of the jedi that much more poignant and good and like spook says, doesn’t leave on your final marathon note being revenge of the goddamn sith