I almost have to appreciate Jedi Trainee Hair because it’s so stupid. Like, why? FOR SO MANY REASONS, WHY?!
You know who has something stupid to say about this ridiculous haircut? Star Wars does, that’s who (who would have guessed?)!
Yes, my favorite, the non-canon The Jedi Path expands a bit on this silliness:
I love that non-humans make out WAY better in this game than humans do since they can kind of do whatever they want. No fair! They don’t even have to live with the shame of that awful ponytail!
Interestingly, AND IMPORTANTLY, this book makes no mention of said Terrible Ponytail being mandatory. It’s ALL about the braid. This is making me think of the discussion I had with people a while back about how maybe the Haircut was like, something that happened to Obi-Wan by accident and then Anakin just wanted to be cool like Obi-Wan so he asked for it, too? I think Kanan had it too (edit: I’m wrong and it’s even funnier this way), so maybe by then it had become Trendy, because Kenobi and Skywalker totally had this awesome ponytail when THEY were Padawans, so I want it too!
LOL forever that this part of the book is written by a Jedi Recruiter, who is apparently under the impression that well-kept Jedi Trainee Hair is helping to boost the overall public opinion of the Jedi. Oh, honey. No.
(And yes, there are written comments in the margin on this page, too, that got cut off. Qui-Gon comments that he finds this all rather restricting of the council. Obi-Wan comments that that’s no damn surprise. Hahaha.)