I know the idea about Obi-Wan being called Sith Killer (or Sith Slayer, perhaps?) has been done before but what about this:
After Naboo, Obi-Wan becomes known as the Sith Killer in the Order. It makes him uncomfortable but he can’t get people to stop calling him that; even before he had killed Maul, he had already defeated two Darksiders (Xanatos and Bruck) so after this, his status as that really cool, badass Jedi to emulate just skyrockets, especially among the newly Knighted and all the Padawans and Initiates. It’s also pretty clear from the fire in his eyes that he is deadset on finding the other Sith. Other young Knights are eager to help - it starts with his friends Bant, Garen, and Reeft: Whenever they’re on a mission, they also look for clues about Dark Side activity; sometimes they’ll follow up on those leads after their official Council-assigned mission ends and then hand that information to Obi-Wan, who’s compiling them. More and more Knights and even young Masters start doing that. Soon, Obi-Wan unofficially is the head of the Sith Hunting Task Force.
Anyway, so Anakin becomes known as the Padawan of the Sith Killer, not the Chosen One (how many Jedi even knew that Qui-Gon thought he was the Chosen One? He only told the Council about it, after all, not made a general Temple-wide announcement). The Jedi are a little flummoxed at first about Obi-Wan taking on a non-Temple raised Padawan but then they’re like, okay, well, this is the Sith Killer. If he wants to do things differently, who are we to tell him no? It’s not like any of us have encountered, fought, or defeated a Sith. And maybe that’s even the better way to do things??? Bringing on people who have life experience outside the Order so they can bring new ideas in?
Every time Anakin does things that they don’t expect, or show more emotion and passion than they’re taught to allow, they’re just like….well, he is the Sith Killer’s Padawan. Obviously the Sith Killer is teaching him differently. Maybe this is how Obi-Wan was able to kill a Sith himself??? (Some enterprising Padawan managed to get their hands on the footage of the fight from Naboo and they all watched it. Obi-Wan was obviously feeling a lot of anger and fear during his fight, and then he calmed himself at the end and managed to defeat his opponent. So Emotions, then peace becomes the new motto for this generation of apprentices.)
Everyone starts trying to befriend Anakin. All the other Padawans start trying to be more like him. He’s passionately speaking out about slavery? Well, they will too then. Obviously, slavery is an evil that will lead people to Fall. It should be stopped. He talks openly about his attachment to his mother? Well, attachment must be okay then. (And they remember from that video that Obi-Wan was obviously very attached to Qui-Gon so there’s another point in favor of attachments.)
Some overly enthusiastic Padawan also hacks into the Temple records and finds out about Obi-Wan’s fights with Bruck as an Initiate. And everyone’s like, even then, he must have somehow known that Bruck was going to Fall. So people all try to avoid getting into fights with Anakin cuz like, if they do, does that mean that they’re going to Fall? Anakin’s the Sith Killer’s Padawan, after all. There must be something special about him. What if he too can tell when someone’s gonna Fall and that’s why he’s fighting with them?
So that’s how Obi-Wan and Anakin inadvertently change the Order. The Council starts noticing that something’s changing but they can’t manage to stop it or reverse it. The younger Knights, Padawans, and Initiates have stopped thinking of them as the all-knowing wise senior members of the Order and started seeing them as the old guard clinging to outdated traditions - none of them have ever fought a Sith or seen one in person, after all. Few of them even go on missions anymore. They just sit in their tower handing out assignments and reprimanding Jedi for not following their Code.
I’ve been thinking about this some more and I feel like the logical next step for a group of Padawans intent on ending slavery and emulate the Sith Killer is to of course sneak off to Tatooine and free the slaves. After all, Obi-Wan didn’t talk about defeating the Sith; he just did it. He hadn’t just talked about helping out the Young on Melida/Daan, he did help them. The Sith Killer takes action to right wrongs and fight evil, he doesn’t just preach about the wrongs.
It takes awhile for the small group of them to all have leave at the same time so it’s not until Anakin’s around 13 that they’re able to sneak off of Coruscant and to Tatooine. They have something of a plan - Anakin’s been thinking of ways to free the slaves for as long as he can remember; having the unplanned but welcome addition of several Force users should make it even easier.
Anyway, they manage to start a slave revolution (how I haven’t yet figured out) and after, the Council is livid. They reprimand the Padawans severely but the Padawans find that it’s hard to regret what they had done when there’s thousands of freed slaves thanking them for helping them and tearfully reuniting with family and being so happy and relieved that they don’t have to live in fear of their lives.
When the Council finally asks them why they had done it, the Padawans are just like “It’s what Master Kenobi would have done.”
Mace’s eye twitches.
The Council reprimanding the Padawans for starting the slave revolution might do more harm than good, in the long run. The Padawans say that it’s what Obi-Wan would have done, but they also know that it was the right thing to do. The Jedi Order is famed for breaking the Zygerrian’s slave empire and once having no tolerance for slavery, but now the Jedi Council is bleating about politics and the problems caused by the breaking of the Hutts’ stranglehold over Tatooine?
“So…” one Padawan, a Twi’lek girl of about fifteen, says slowly with a steely sharp gaze, “you’re saying that it’s better to leave thousands of people in bondage to preserve political and economic stability than to free those people and end the barbaric practice enslaving sentient beings?”
There is dead silence in the Council chambers.
This is when Obi-Wan decides that if he’s going to be a role model to these Padawans, despite his personal feelings on the matter, he may as well try to make sure they learn a few things. (And possibly avert a mutiny among the Jedi, but that’s honestly a lesser consideration right now.) “The question is not whether slavery is conscionable,” he tells the Padawan regarding the Council with a mulish eye. “The question is whether freeing the slaves this way has destabilized the region so much that they are in further danger. Do they have sufficient resources, in the form of food, water, housing, and transportation? What about medical supplies, or access to medical training? Do they have the means to protect themselves from retaliation by their former captors? Is there a legal framework in place to prevent their further exploitation? If they choose to emigrate, do they have the documentation to do so?”
He has their attention now. Some of this isn’t new, it’ll have been discussed in their courses, but some of it only time in the field can teach.
“There are other questions to consider,” he says, ignoring the eyes of the Council as everyone in the room stares at him. “For example, how likely is it that former slaves will strike against their captors, furthering the bloodshed? Is the conflict resolved, or is it waiting for the merest excuse to break out again?”
The Padawans consider this, glancing among each other. “Then,” one says, a humanoid boy going through his growth spurt, all legs and arms, “the problem is that we didn’t plan thoroughly enough.” He nods, then turns it into a little bow, one that’s quickly copied by the others. “Thank you, Master Kenobi, for the lesson. We will not make that mistake again.”
Anakin, tucked among the other Padawans, is smiling at his master.
Obi-Wan smiles back and then addresses the group again. “Again? Yes, that’s very well and good. But I don’t believe you’re quite done with this time.” At everyone’s questioning glances - the Padawans curious, the Council’s dismayed - he arches his brow. “Well, you’ve freed the people of Tatooine. That’s only half the battle. Now, you must help them build infrastructure. So. Who will go back to Tatooine to help with this task? Anakin and I will go, of course. Who else?”
Every Padawan in the group raises their hand eagerly.
And so for the next year, they get hands-on experience working with the freed slaves on Tatooine helping them set up their government. (Anakin spends his free time with his mother. Obi-Wan spends his hunting down leads on the Sith in the Outer Rim.)
Yoda starts hearing Qui-Gon’s force ghost just like in the Clone Wars, but this time it’s just hysterical laughter and “I can’t believe you thought my padawan would be traditional BHAHAAHAHA!!!”
Anakin pushes and manages to get Shmi made the new senator for Tattoine. With her on Coruscant most of the time, they see each other frequently. She and Padme become best friends, and Palpatine never manages to win Anakin over because he already has friends and family to confide in.
The war does start, but Dooku refuses to take part. He’s still not willing to rejoin the Jedi Order, but he doesn’t feel the need to destroy them. They seem to be going in the right direction, and it’s a fitting memorial to his padawan that Obi-Wan is leading all the younglings down the path of Grey Jedi. Without Dooku and Ventress to keep people in line the Separatists fall apart fairly fast, especially since there are a lot of hardcore badasses from Tattooine MORE than happy to join up with the Republic forces.
Obi-Wan’s padawan followers all fall in love with the Clones, and make sure they’re all able to leave the military if they want to and they all have dual citizenship on Tattooine and Naboo. Several turn out to be highly force-sensitive, and they get adopted into the Order. The Council tries to object, but Obi-Wan points out that, due to the accelerated growth on Kamino, the Clones technically fall within the age limit.
Jango Fett, seeing that his clones are being treated well and carrying on a (highly modified) form of his people’s culture, finally forgives the Jedi and disappears into the Outer Rim rather than engaging in any more wars.
Between Dooku’s warming toward the Order and Jango Fett’s forgiveness, it suddently becomes A LOT easier for Obi-Wan and co. to track down the Sith Lord. Palpatine dies in a mysterious “accident” two weeks later.
At some point, Maul also has to get taken care of again. And hopefully permanently this time. And perhaps Dooku will still train Ventress, but not in the Dark. I can’t remember what issues Jango had with the Order, though, that he needed to forgive them?
Anyway, also adding these tags from @jahaliel, whose reblog I have been meaning to reblog for the longest time:
also poor council perhaps some of the council and older masters come around to the idea and offer casual advice to their padawans (current or knighted) about infrastructure or medical help or supply chains just casually dropping that information out there - it will get to those who need it a healthy happy jedi order would be a lot harder for sidious to dismantle and if the jedi are out there doing good then public opinion might start swinging back in their favour? idk i have a lot of feels about this
Yes, definitely some of the Council and older Masters help out. It starts with the ones whose Padawans want to follow Obi-Wan and Anakin to Tatooine after freeing the slaves because of course, their Masters would accompany them and they probably end up setting up a temporary remote Temple there since there’s so many of them there and they need a place to stay and gather and meditate and continue with classes and training.
And I don’t know that it’s necessarily the “doing good” piece that’s important for public opinion so much as it is being more visible, so that the public understands them more and doesn’t think of them as scary mysterious enforcers of the Republic law who have superpowers and can’t be killed and can make you do whatever they want you to do.