(no subject)

Oct 31, 2011 13:22

I miss you Captain.
It hurts just to go to bed, or get up, when I don't see you sleeping beside me.
11:00pm is the hardest time, as that was your med time.
Looking at the fireplace brings me to tears-thinking of how you loved to sleep in front of it.
The bathroom sink just brings memories of you squeezing underneath and playing "You can't catch the bunny."
The couch and bed cover makes me think of you snuggling with me, and then surprising me by being too lazy to go to the litter box and peeing on me/it. I still see the stains. :P
The stairs make me smile a sad smile-you had just learned how to hop up and down.
Cucumber and Tomato makes me reminisce, you loved them.
The hay I still find on the floor makes me want to break down and hide, you had just started gaining weight and almost being full size with all the hay you ate!
Your little carrot toy brings so many memories of you throwing it around, the same with David's cell phone.
That new house we bought you-that you didn't really like to play in, makes me giggle, it was supposed to be your hidey hole, and instead you just hid by the couch in between two tubs.
Behind the TV was your favorite forbidden place, that you purposely went to piss David off. It was cute.
You loved making breaks for forbidden areas, like the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and laundry room, if it was off-limits you wanted to be there.

You would jump behind the fridge and scare the crap out of me every time by hiding inside it.
Cardboard boxes, brown paper bags, you were all in to them, munching away.
Our rubber shoe mat, your unofficial litter box, you claimed so many times, even if we cleaned it-along with my backpack.

You were my absolute best friend. I tried so hard to care for you, I love you so much.
I did everything I could, and I still feel like I didn't do enough.
I should have done more, somehow.
I miss you so much, everything in my house reminds me of you, and right now, it breaks my heart.
I miss cuddling, heck, I miss being scratched.

I love you, Captain, I'm so very sorry I failed you.
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