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_starrystarry November 10 2007, 06:50:53 UTC
I'm sorry about that - random fits of nostalgia when that's not what you're looking for are never helpful.

Okay, Ten/Rose is just adorable. I mean, there are no words, they're so ludicrously happy together and then Doomsday is just so inevitable and well done and oh... And it's really taken me a while to warm up to Martha, especially because of the whole in-love-with-the-Doctor angle, which is just poor writing if you think about it, but I am looking forward to her in S4. Not to mention Donna, who likes to slap Ten randomly and seems like she'll bring some good laughs to the show.

Nearing on two here (I'm in New York City) and I was definitely supposed to go to bed early tonight. Because tomorrow will bring one of those lovely days that's spent almost entirely at the library writing various papers. Oh I love school...

Cameron is another character who annoys me because her character seems so randomly put together. (She's in love with House! She's crying over dead!husband! She wants meaningless sex from Chase!) But I have been liking her more this season. Even - gasp - wanting her to be onscreen more? Although that may be because I'm fed up with the whole pick-new-fellows game...


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_starrystarry November 13 2007, 06:21:04 UTC
So eljay did not email me this comment? Because it fails?

Complete agreement with you vis a vis Martha. That part in LotTL, where she has to go and say "oh by the way I LOVE HIM" really sort of wrecked her kick-ass-ness for me. Although I loved her leaving scene, and how she's strong enough to take a break from the Doctor and then be able to come back. I mean, balancing your own life alongside everything that the Doctor brings has got to be pretty difficult.

And hopefully Catherine Tate will bring no sexual tension and will slap Ten when he needs to be and generally be full of charming, hysterical non sequitors. (And yes, I'm assuming that Donna practically is Catherine Tate. Still.)

If Cam, Chase, and Foreman are in the same scene together I will be happy. That is all I need. (Remember when they used to be in, oh, twenty scenes together? Oh, the good old days...)


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_starrystarry November 14 2007, 03:03:57 UTC
1. Oh, you have to see Runaway Bride. I think I first saw it on a plane, actually? But then I caught it on Sci Fi and it is ridiculously fun - she totally slaps Ten and calls him "martian boy" and there are some completely lovely Rose moments and this part where a totally angsty Ten screams "Gallifrey" and other assorted awesomeness.

2. Also - I missed House tonight (had to go to movie for a class and then when I got back there were people not from my floor in the common room watching something else...) any redeeming duckling moments? Any redeeming Wilson moments? (Anything redeeming at all?)

3. Do you mind if I add you?


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_starrystarry November 14 2007, 05:54:21 UTC
Oh-so-many Rose moments. It really is a must-see.

I really need to catch up on TV. By the time I'm caught up on everything maybe the writer's strike will be over? That'd be nice...



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