I am just at home right now, by myself. My mom and dad are gone to the lake, and Im sitting here. Amy asked me if I wanted to go to Lyssa's. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to go out becuase Im really tired. Now I think I should go out, kind of bored and blah. I might call Amy in a bit and invite myself ha ha. I hope she is not mad at me for not wanting to go out. Im kind of scared of being home alone.. haha, justtt frightened! Well anyways, Today Amy came and got me at her break at work.. and we went to subshop, she got a sub but I just got a diet coke cuase of weight watchers.. then we drove around for a bit and then came to my house for a bit and then she had to go to work. I had fun. I had theee best pizza today (6 points), its not even really pizza.. its like cheese, spinach and mushrooms (sounds gross! but its a lean cuisine) annnd there is no sauce i think it might be like butter, or something? Its awesome. And I had Jello(1 point), and 20 baked lays (4 points) oh and a VERY low fat ice cream bar, its called "skinny cow" and its only worth 3 points. And a casadia (4). Three bottles of water, 2 glasses of Diet Dr. Pepper, both worth zero.. so I beleive I am at 18 points. I don't think ill be having anymore tonight, though I am actually starting to get hungry, I might have to have some carrots? who knows. Anyways, I think im going to call amy soon anyways cause i am really not that tired, but yeah!
1: If I could be anywhere I wanted right now I would be living in Kelowna Bc.
2: I sometimes overreact a situtaion which causes people to not want to hang out with me
3: I make weird voices, and I think I talk like a man.
4: I can't stand The Simpsons ......gah! who cares about hommer-face i hate him
5: I sometimes dream I am somewhere else, or someone else, like a movie star.
6: If I could meet one person it would be Paris Hilton
7: I hate people who pick their boyfriends over their friends.. who was there first? and honestly, whos going to be there in the end? if you think about it, your friends are everything.
8: I don't like needy people, people who need everything, and have to have their own way, selfish.
9: People who steal things from you piss me right the fuck off.
10: I often feel like I don't fit in with anyone, but when I do, I have a blast!
11: getting high is the best thing since sliced bread.
12: Amy is the most beautiful person inside and out, to me, shes my hero.
13: I love sour cream mixed with french onion soup mix for chip dip, Its awesome.
14: Im eating pretzels right now, useing up my last 2 points of the day. Booo.
15: I have a feeling that I am going to step on the scale tomorrow morning only to see that I have gained the 3 pounds back that I have lost.
16: I'll always have a place in my heart for Terry Morris, Bob Hamilton, and Joan Rodenbush for helping me threw out the last 2 years.
17: I forget what it feels like to be in love, even though I have Dallas.
18: My mom is the reason that i am doing so well on weight watchers.
19: I used to call my grandma, Gang-ya.
20: I have been infatuated with Kelly, ever since we went out, ill always do anything for that boy, but can't have feelings for him because of a close friend.
21: if there were 1 show I could watch all day, it would be Full House.
22: I hate Lindsay Ugly fucking Lohan, I think shes just a giant freckle, wanna be heiress
23: My job depresses me.
24: I used to be addicted to Coke........acola.
25: My best memories ever were last summer, I felt so awesome.
26: I remember people really easy... If i've met you once, I remember you, unless intoxicated.
27: I used to be the shyiest person you'd ever meet, but now i am not at all.
28: I used to sniff ridiline everyday for about a month.....................that was waaack.
29: I used to try to fit in so hard, but I failed. So now im just me.
30: I hold grudges.
31: I cry easy.
32: I feel left out really easy. i can't help that though, i geuss its just me.
33: I love to write, hense ive had this journal for so long.
34: When I got my livejournal, I got it with intentions of not sticking with it, but I did.
35: Songs that make me cry are (and why..) Addicted - Enrique.. Because when me and Dallas were going out in grade 10, and when I did so much drugs like weed and ridaline and stuff.. I got so depressed and always listend to that song and it reminded me of us.. I don't know why. The Pretenders - Ill stand by you .. its just a me and amy type of song. Lets be us again - just lots of mems with that.
36: I used to eat mcdonalds like everyday last summer with Amy.. and we didn't have jobs.. how did we offord that? i have a job and still can't afford that!
37: I am scared of trains, and getting hit by one
38: I pee at LEAST 2 times an hour.
39: My hair is flippin dead. and the colour is nasssty. and im just mad.
40: I love being on my computer, half the time im bored on it.. but What eles am I going to do?
41: I am so excited to go to Kelowna that I think about it so much in a day!
42: Graduation scares me, especally grad march. Who the hell in their right mind is going to go with me, Krystin Logan? no one.
43: I want grade 12 to be a good year, I want to be skinny, pretty and a fun person.
44: I feel insecure sometimes, i think everyone hates me
45: I want to drive a jeep, I think they are SWEET.
46: my dad and I are so much alike that we don't get along.
47: I love fefe dobson
48: spiders are scary.
49: my favorite drink of all time is diet dr. peper. YUM>
50: i want to feel pretty in a bathing suit.
oh kids, wasn't that fun?