Favourite Things to Do on a Rainy Saturday, Late Afternoon Edition:
1. Drink a beer and chat with the roommates.
2. Lie in bed listening to the rain fall.
3. Read a book. One of those 'sit in one place and read until my eyes fall out' kind of things.
4. Catch up on craptacular TV shows I missed during the week.
5. NOT study for my midterm. NOT write my French essay.
6. Listen to mellow emo-ish music and be damn grateful for rainy Saturday afternoons.
Your turn.
House - rocks my socks as always. Is there a show that is this reliably good on television right now? I think not. I'm always entertained, I'm always amused, and usually, I'm touched or wowed. Yay for the cranky doc and his band of clueless minions. And Wilson. Boy, do I love Wilson.
The Office - is made of WIN lately, seriously! How awesome were Kelly, Darryl, Andy et al with their jingle-making partay? THIS AWESOME. Angela doesn't like to be titillated! Jim + Pam = my poor, poor, overly happy heart. And the commercial was actually good. WHAT?
Friday Night Lights - oh, show, what are you doing to me. I am trying and trying to defend it while everyone hates on the new plotlines and characters, etc. I love the cripple road trip and Tim being awesome, I love Matt's steely resolve to hate everyone right now, I love Julie and Tami's reconnecting in a car with stories of losing one's virginity, I love Tyra and Landry and how ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT WITH EXCITEMENT I am for the murder storyline. This show rocks, and will always rock, no matter how ill-conceived everyone else thinks the plotlines are.
Tell Me You Love Me - yes, I watch THAT show, the one with all those, like, almost-real sex scenes? Except not. The sex is never sexy on this show - just desperate. My favourite couple is David and Katie, and they haven't had sex in a year but obviously love each other and have Issues. It's a strange and sad little show which is different than everything else on TV, and not just cause of the nude scenes.
The aforementioned craptacular TV I've been catching up on today includes Gossip Girl and America's Next Top Model. As well as How I Met Your Mother, but that's not craptacular, it's awesome AND legen... dary. Up top!
(Psst: I seriously think I was Barney in a past life.)