Title : Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage
Pairing : JaeMin
Genre : Fluff, romance
Length : chaptered
Rating : pg13
Warning : un-beta/ poor grammar and horrible writing style.
Summary : Kim Jaejoong who had always dreamed of falling in love and getting married to his lover ever since he has understood the meaning of love had to go for an arranged marriage because of some circumstances. So an arranged marriage? Was that all? Would he ever find the love of his life that he has dreamed of?
Chapter 7 :
I think I am madly deeply in love with Shim Changmin. Chapter 8 :
"I am sorry baby... So sorry for hurting you... I am so sorry..." Epilogue :
"Jae... I can't give you what you're asking for. It's impossible." A/N: No one reads my fics on LJ bcz I get 0 comments here so I stopped posting my stories here. But Starcandy seems so dead for the last few days and it makes me sad. So I decided I would post something.