Title: Fateful Meeting - Interlude
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: JaeMin, BFF!JaeChun, BFF!MinSu, Bro!HoMin
Warnings: None of the characters belong to me (sadly) ... and since this is my first fanfic, please be gentle with the throwing of things *gets helmet ready*
Summary: It began as an innocent love that had no time to evolve, being shortly followed by a heartbreaking separation, and only years after, by a fateful meeting. Will they fight for their love or choose to obediently follow their already chosen paths by their powerfull families ?
A/N: This is the interlude for the fanfic
ME and
asiafreak1991 are writing together. I realised there were some loopholes in the fanfic and the readers will feel confused after reading the first chapters, so i tried making this Interlude and maybe answer some of the questions and make things more clear for everyone out there. <3
[ “Hello, I’m Jaejoong, do you mind if we eat lunch together? I have an extra bento.”]