Jan 13, 2004 17:00
It really boggles my mind how someone could be with someone else for so long and "say" they cared about them so much and then turn around and do what you did. It pisses me me off that you didn't take the time to think about how it would affect not only him, but his brother, mom, and cousin as well as all his friends. Thats such a selfish thing to do, but you know what, you don't care about anyone not even yourself or else you wouldn't take off your clothes as a living. I always knew that you would get what you deserved after doing what you did to me. Now look, you lost all your closest friends including the one you spent 3 years with. The worst thing is, is that you still have more coming to you, but you don't even realize it. Don't worry none of us are going to do anything...Karma is a fucking bitch and it will take its toll.
Anyway, how about getting drunk tonight?