Oct 13, 2009 02:16
so the corporations have won this battle
we are over populated and something we never occurred to think of was this
those with power have money
and those who are needy need money
everything else in life does not apply
nor government
nor religion
we havnt realized that we sign away our freedoms to corporations
whose lowest rung of employees are nothing more then modern day slaves
never earning enough to survive alone
therefore forced to couple with some other miserable life form in order to survive
the higher you climb the workers ladder
the more intricate the scam has to be
your having kids and the next thing you know
your unknowingly signing their futures away
just to survive
you think this great retirement is waiting
you think your kids futures are secure
capitalism only favors the rich
and pray on the rest but call it consumerism
and only during the depressions
do the rich eat the weaker rich
but otherwise are like family
we live our lives on credit
even our countries currency is credit
and dont believe those fucking lies they feed us
about a floating market and how there cant be a constant standard
... well the dollar isn't worth the same as it use to be.
why wouldn't money that's back by a standard be any different?
because the rich already got it
and now they want more
so from birth to death
everything is on credit
enslaved to this world
when are we going to start to wake up
and win this fucking war