Jun 03, 2010 11:30
R took me to the Er yesterday to get checked out for a horrible headache that is a migraine that's taken most of my vision. I can't see straight. The images are stacked on top of each other. The ER doctor said that it was the first time her ever heard of anyone having those kind of symptoms. My head has pounding all day even with the vicodin. R took another day off from work today to take me in to see the neurologist.
The did a blood test, CT scan, and MRI.
And the good news is that it's NOT cancer, MS, MD, CP, a stroke, a heart attack, and an aneurysm. The bad news is that they don't know what the heck is wrong with me and thus we're going to the neurologist. I've not felt this helpless since I had mono. I can't do anything because I can't SEE anything. (The above has been typed with much backspacing and pain. And I wont post again until they've fixed me.) Urgh, this sucks!