Random things...

Oct 10, 2005 19:37

Mike is away for a few days in Tampa for Kenny's bachelor party, and I miss him. Sad, I know. I have a hard time falling asleep without him and I was angry for a bit when I got home from work, I'm so used to walking in and seeing him at the computer and then sitting at the end of the bed, telling him about my day. Not having that has made the rest of the night feel wierd. I hate this, lord do I hate this. I love him very much but I've been thinking more and more lately that I'm am far too dependant and attached and it may be time for us to part ways, however this is a nearly impossible concept considering our living situation. Oh, the turmoil.

I find myself very upset with a few people right now, Leila and Steven mostly. I hate to call people selfish because I know that I can be tremendously selfish at times, but both of them have been very selfish and inconsiderate lately towards me. Steven borrowed my car Friday night for homecoming, which I offered to him so that's fine. But he also borrowed money, smoked in my car, and didn't bother to take out the shit his date left in my car, and I haven't heard one word from him about it since, not even a thanks. As far as Leila goes, I've realized things about her in the last few months that killed any respect I had for her. She contributes very little to the apt, just eats, sleeps and leaves messes for the rest of us to clean up. She works less than everyone else, skips school all the time, makes Robbie do things she should be doing herself, and yet still never has time to help clean. I can't begin to describe how frustrated I am with her lately. Robbie is a an awesome person and every day I watch her walk all over him and take him for granted. It's taking a lot of self conrol not to open my mouth about everything, I'm hoping that she stumbles upon this entry so that she will know how I feel without me having to tell her.

I talked to Melody the other night for the first time since she left for college, that was nice, I miss her. I feel like none of my friends are around anymore, I miss having people to hang out with, besides my roommates.

Mike and I saw Waiting last night, it's hilarious, everyone should go see it. I was kind of dissappointed that Dane Cook didn't have a bigger part because I love him, but it was still a good movie.

That's all for now, I'm going to go eat and see what's on TV.

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