Jan 01, 2005 15:19
Hey everyone,
well new years turned out better than i expected. i wen to my cousins house, janelle. it wa really fun spending time with everyone i was wiht. i ended up being with m brothe for new years. i love him. he is leaving soon :( unfortunately but i know he will be back in no time so it is okay. at 12 i was talking to all of them but Batman because she wouldnt answer my call but whatever. i am glad you had fun with your family. i told you family is good when you give them a chance. they get annoying at times because they love and care for us trust me lol. going thru it now. anyways well we chilled at my cousins house. we saw a little bit of the football game and shit but we really didnt care for it. lol. janelles friends marianna gotthere afterweards before12 that is. she is really nice and kool. shes staceys bff. anyways some time after 12 janelle and me played basketball outside. dam i miss basketball sooo much. i like soccer better but i wonder if i would have been better in basketball but whatever it is sort of to late already. so whatever. we shot wack shots. lol. i showed her before anyone out age was there what i made for my sQuIsHiI. it is soooo cute :)... make sure you dont look at the part i told you not to. your just going ot spoil it for yourself if ytou do. so dont@ sorry i got distracted looking at my nails. i let them grow again :) i had missed my long pretty nails. well anyways im glad it turned out good for me as well as all of you. im glad i talked to all of you it got me really happy. after 12 i talked to ... all of you, maria linda cristina natalia my dad other brother sister < sort of my cousins anais cristy little one, luis not in that order trust me . well i found one thing i dont like about luis. what i told you batman i dont like but whatever. actually i think i told you now that i think about it. well ill tell you later dont worry lol.
today i am going to sunset probably with janelle stacey marianna natalia dn cristina and i dont know who else. im going to be with natalia and cristina though. i think they going. they probably leave me hanging again but whatever we will see. i was planning on going with alex or luis but alex is in ? and luis is with his cousin because he going back to army soon. ill probably go out with them next weekend. next friday i cant go out because i think my game is at night. whatever i guess niot to worry about now. loll. i dont know if i wrote it or not but i have to get a 4.0 this quarter for my brother. he told me he wants me to study and get a 4.0 so i told him i would so i could raise my GPA.
143-123-477 to gansta girl. dont ever forget that 143 and 47777 forever and ever and ever....
BaTmAn and BLanCA slash JeW i love and miss you lots. lol Batman Shes a jew for sure lol.
"anyone who keeps you from reaching your goal is not a true friend... so let them go"
another thing this shit was wack. my brothers computer was being stupid and printer and internet. sooo i finally got it to print and retyped it on my computer. lok just thought i should share.