(no subject)

Nov 23, 2004 21:40

2day one of the most exciting days ever!! JV Shcrimmage against Alhambra.... we left 5th period early YEAH! we had to go to Alhambra but it was good... we were ther for like 2-3 hours doing nothing but kickin back and listening to musica... it was tight watching Varsity okay and Freshmen... then finally like at 5 we started.. i got to start YEAH! thats soo cool for me mann... it was cool too cuz like my teammates were like DAMN ruben u been playin for like almost the whole entire game and u havent scored any points.... and like we started another quarter which was the last and like right of the back i got a perfect steal and a wide open lay up.... i tried to tapp but i missed like an inch only... tapp means to tapp the back board while doing ur lay up in the air.... yea i was soo close... but it all good ill do it 2morrw... Alumni/ Basketball Night is 2morrw and if u bought a ticket or is a cheer woman... go early like at 6 so you can watch JV/ me... play it would be cool... but if not ill help yall cheer for the V... well i got nothing else to do so im out ppl be cool stay safe dont drink no sex no drugs and no cake
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