Shoe Store Spree 3 - CLOSED

Aug 04, 2006 16:15

SPREE IS CLOSED! No more new orders!

Bookmark this page for updates! Always refer to the last comment for updates.

This seller is known to be extremely slow in replies and in sending the shoes. Do expect at least a month (might be longer if she's super slow) for the shoes to arrive. My 1st spree took slightly more than a month, 2nd was about a month.

Do not participate if you can't wait because I do not wish to keep explaining that there's no updates, the seller have not replied, the shoes are still not sent, etc etc etc.

Terms & Conditions
1) All unpaid orders must to be paid for within 24 hours of posting. Else I will delete your orders.
2) Double, Triple check your orders prior clicking on 'Post Comment'
3) Once order has been confirmed, no changes and definitely no refunds will be made.
4) I will not be held responsible for ordering the wrong item (I'll go according to the URL you have furnished), wrong item sent by seller and for any damages during transition.
5) Once I have received the first 30 PAID orders, I will be deleting all unpaid orders. Kindly check if there are 30 paid orders prior making the payment. All payments after the cap will be consfiscated. If you're unsure, you can post a comment to enquire if the cap has been reached.
6) There will be 2 payments. First for the shoes & the second for the shipping and local postage charges.
7) Due to limited stock, it will be on a first pay, first gets it basis. I will go according to my IB history to determine the payment. 
8) Not accepting email orders / orders from non-members. 
9) Fussy, rude & impatient participants are adviced not to participate.
10) Limited to 2 pairs per participant.

Details of Spree
1) Website:
2) Capping at  30 pairs
3) Contact:
4) Exchange rate: SGD1 = NT19.3
5) Ez-Pay surcharge 2.8%
5) Payment details: POSB Savings 124-37091-4 (ibanking users, kindly use your LJ nick / ATM transfer, please indicate the amount & time the transfer is done)
6) Shipping details: Direct shipping to Singapore
7) Mode of distribution:  By mail only. 
8) Format of Order (Kindly follow strictly to this format):
Name/ LJ nick:

1) Item Name: (copy & paste the title of the auction)
URL: (make sure the link is working and its the correct link to the item you want)
Color/顏色: (kindly refer to the colors available in the description and not by the pictures. C&P the exact shade/color from the description)
Size:  (kindly use the japanese sizing & not any others)
Price in TWD:

Total No. of items:
Total in TWD: 
Total in TWD
Total in SGD (total in TWD/19.3) X 1.028:

Amount Transfered:
Transaction Reference:

Reply to your OWN original post when posting your transaction reference.

**All updates of the spree will be posted on this page itself. Kindly bookmark this page and check it often for updates.
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